The PROIV paging cycle is displayed in a Paging Area component and the one used in the Lite Client is very different from that used by the Open Client. The Lite Client Paging Area component has the following features:

  • The Paging Area is a grid component where each record in the grid can be made up of one or more rows of data.
  • If there is more than one row per record, each record has an icon on the left that will hide/show rows in the record.
  • If there is more than one row per record, there is an Icon on the left of the header that will hide/show all rows in all records.
  • The grid contains one page of records and if all records can not be shown at once the grid has a scroll bar to scroll the current page.
  • The grid has a tool bar at the bottom that allows the user to select a new page of records.
  • The grid columns have a header and headers can be grouped together (see Paging Group Headings).
  • The grid may have an ‘Actions’ column on the right that will contain icons that perform an action on the record (see Paging Record Actions).

The width of the Paging Area depends on other components in the same row just like any other component. If the screen becomes small then the grid may not have enough space to display the data in its fields.

Section Links:

The Paging Area Layout defines the Lite Client Combobox.

The Paging Row Visibility defines the Lite Client paging area row visibility.

The Paging Group Headings defines the Lite Client paging area group headings.

The Paging Record Actions defines the Lite Client paging area record actions.

The Paging Record Focus defines the special Lite Client paging area record focus.

The Paging Buttons and Icons defines the Lite Client paging area buttons and icons.

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