Regression Testing Introduction

Regression tests are a set of established tests, which are run to ensure new or modified code does not have any side effects on existing code. The tests usually involve a process of comparing a new software release against a tested and passed benchmark release, and any differences are highlighted for investigation. They also ensure that any previous bug fixes and enhancements are not adversely affected by the new code changes. In essence, a comprehensive set of regression tests can help minimise any negative effects of new or amended functionality. In addition, regression tests can also examine the effects of upgrading an operating system, a RDBMS, or a hardware configuration.

PROIV Assure

PROIV Assure is based on the tenets of regression testing mentioned above and is designed to test PROIV applications. It is included with PROIV Developer / PROIV Administrator and can connect to the environments that you want to test. This means that multiple test environments can be managed from a single PROIV installation.

PROIV Assure uses PROIV Open Client technology and employs Server-Side Objects to record and play back Tests. It runs independently of the application that is being tested to avoid altering the application under test. The recorded sessions can then be either viewed or run. Viewing plays back the Recording to the PROIV Client without interaction with the Virtual Machine. Running a Recording forces a PROIV Session with full connection details to the Virtual Machine, and any differences between the new version and the benchmarked version can be handled by PROIV Assure.

Cross-Reference: You do not need knowledge of PROIV Open Client or SSOs to use the application, however if you want to learn more about PROIV Open Client, refer to PROIV Online Documentation. Look at Topic IDs: 800009, 800046, and 800004 for an introduction to Open Client.


The diagram explains the PROIV Assure architecture:

PROIV Assure Architecture

Note: The application which is being tested does not have to reside on the machine where PROIV Assure is still running


Click workflow stage to read the Help topic associated with the stage.

PROIV Assure's recommended workflow is as follows:

PROIV Assure Workflow


Section links:

Recordings View, Tests View, Suites View  provides overviews of the different areas of PROIV Assure.

PROIV Assure Toolbar Overview provides an overview of the main toolbar in PROIV Assure.

Recordings Overview provides an overview of what Recordings are and how to create them.

Tests and Test Suites Overview provides an overview of what Tests and Test Suites and how to create them. There is also a demo that shows how to create a Recording and add it to a Test.

Difference Handling Overview provides an overview of how to handle differences between Recordings and the actual PROIV Session that the Recording is driving.

Administration Overview provides an overview to configure PROIV Assure.

Frequently Asked Questions provides answers to frequently asked questions about PROIV Assure.

Known Issues highlights any Known Issues with PROIV Assure. and focuses on any areas of functionality which are liable to change during the Beta Trial


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Topic ID: 780006