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PROIV Assure is integrated in Developer to specifically test PROIV applications. It can connect to the environments that you want to test and manage multiple test environments.
Amend the connection details of a Recording by selecting Admin from either the PROIV Assure menu and or the PROIV Assure Toolbar, and then select the Run Connector Modifiers option. You can amend the connection details and any Recordings using the Connector will use the amended connection.
Recording Connectors contain the full connection details to a PROIV environment and are a mandatory and permanent feature of a Recording. They contain the same information as an Open Client service, or a PIV file, which is used to connect to a PROIV Server. Recording Connectors can be created when you initially create a Recording, or you can open the Recording Connectors window from the Admin Options on the PROIV Assure Toolbar, and then you can create or amend the connection details. Additionally, you can test the connections from those windows and feedback is provided if the connection is successful or fails, or displays a PROIV message box, if applicable. Recording Connectors are permanent part of the Recording itself and as such they cannot be amended once set. When you amend a Recording Connector, you are changing that particular connection configuration, and any Recording that may use the Record Connector is not affected by the change.
Run Connector Modifiers are saved changes to PROIV connection details held in a Recording. Any of the details can be modified including the host name. This means that Recordings made in one environment can be used to run Tests or Suites in other environment, making Tests highly portable and reusable. Run Connector Modifiers also serve to future-proof Recordings, if, for example, a machine name changes in your environment, you can modify the Run Connector to connect to the new name. They can be tailored to connect to new environments or configured to cope with changes with connection settings
If you want to run a Test,
go to the Tests or Suites
view, select the Test or Suite that you want to run, and click the icon on the PROIV
Assure Toolbar.
If you want to see the results of a Test, go to the Tests or Suites view, select the results that you are interested in and click the Details . The Comparison Results window appears. Click Differences to display the Differences associated with the selected Recording. Alternatively, select the All Diffs to display all the Differences for all of the Recordings in the Test Run. (Click Contents to toggle back to the list of Recordings in the Test or Suite.)
If you want to view where a Test or Suite has failed during a run, go to the Tests or Suites view, select the results with Differences that you are interested in and click the Details . The Comparison Results window appears. Click either the Differences or the All Diffs and click the View . It displays a browser window, which provides a read-only view of the comparison between the Run Recording and the original Recording. This enables you to quickly identify the nature of the difference. Click here for more information and screenshots.
If you want to view the Difference
Handling Rules by Recording, go to the Recordings
view, select the Recording and click the icon on
the PROIV Assure Toolbar. The
Difference Handling window appears.
You can change the Handling details, or unhandle
the Differences against the Recording from this window.
If you want to view the Difference Handling Rules by Test Run, go to the Tests or Suites view, select the results that you are interested in and click the Details . The Comparison Results window appears. Click Handlers to view the Difference Handling window. You can change the Handling details, or unhandle the Differences against the Test Run from this window.
When you run a Test or Suite, a full connection and logon to a live PROIV environment is performed and the Recordings which comprise the Test/Suite are stepped through in order. Comparisons are made between the Run Recordings and the original Recording, and any differences are detected.
When you view a Test, the Recordings are replayed in an embedded browser in the PROIV Assure Console, after a connection to a live PROIV environment is made using the appropriate Connector. You are viewing the Test/Suite Run against the current state of the application. This is helpful if you experience unexpected results when running a Test or Suite and want to work out why. When you view a Test Run, it can be stepped through one Step at a time. You can also jump to a specific Step if required. Results are not logged for this process because you can exit the view at any time, and no comparisons are made between Run Recording and the original Recording.
When you view a Recording, the Recordings are replayed through a browser in PROIV Assure Console and no PROIV Session connection is made. Viewing a Recording plays back the Recording as it was when it was first made. The application may have changed since it was created. You can step through Recordings and jump to a specific areas if required.
Often minor modifications are made to an application, which result in changes to data or to screen layouts. Rather than handling the Differences in PROIV Assure, or making a new Recording, you may want to accept the application changes in one go. A quick and efficient way of dealing with this is to use the Baseline functionality. Baselining replaces all Recordings in the Test or the Suite, with Recordings of the Live Session in the last Test Run. Consequently, from that point forward, the baselined Recording set is used to drive and make comparisons against the Live Session.
Topic ID: 780031