This section enables the Drag and Drop functionality for a Static Icon. The object can be both Drag and Drop enabled and therefore be dragged onto an object or have data dropped on it. Click here for more information about Drag and Drop functionality.

Note: Fields not used for the object are disabled. The properties can also be set on the Object Properties Grid. Click here for more information.

Fields on the Drag and Drop tab for Screen Function Statics:





Drag Enable

Select the check box to make the Static Icon's data available for dragging, making it a 'source object'. If the check box is enabled, the other fields in the Drag section are enabled. Click here for more information about the DragEnabled property.

Drag Type

Enter the type of data that can be dragged from an object. This is user-defined string. Click here for more information about the DragType property.


Drag Data

The Drag Data is generally set up in logic, however you can enter it here if necessary. It is the actual details of the data being dragged into the Drop Data Variable. Click here for more information about the DragData property.


On Drop Source

Click Event Process icon to display the Logic Editor and define code that is runs against the Drag Source Static Icon when the data is dropped, immediately after the On Drop Target logic has completed. This is needed when you want to perform processing on the source object, for example, changing the label or graphic of the Drag Source Static Icon.

The On Drop Target logic runs after the drop has loaded the data from the Open Client. When the logic has completed, the On Drop Source logic runs.

Click Event Process icon to display the Logic Editor and define code that is runs against the Drag Source Static Icon when the data is dropped, immediately after the On Drop Target logic has completed. This is needed when you want to perform processing in the Drag Source session when the drop is outside the source session. For example, changing the label or graphic of the Drag Source Static Icon. The On Drop Target logic runs after the drop has loaded the data from the Open Client. When the logic has completed, the VM communicates with the Open Client, so that it can communicate with the VM in the PROIV Session to run the On Drop Source logic so that it can either update Aurora, or communicate with the VM (in the same PROIV Session, or another PROIV Session) to run the On Drop Source logic.



Drop Enable

Select the check box to make the Static Icon available for data being dropped on to it, making it a 'target object'.  If the check box is enabled, the other fields in the Drop section are enabled. Click here for more information about the DropEnabled property.

Drop Type Allowed

Enter the type of data that can be dropped onto an object. This is user-defined string and the data is validated to ensure it matches Drag Type. If it does not match, the drop does not occur. Click here for more information about the DropTypeAllowed property.

Drop Item Limit

Enter the number of strings that can be dropped onto the Static Icon. This is limited to 999. Click here for more information about the DropItemLimit property.


Drop Data Variable

Enter the Scratch Variable that is used to hold the drop data. This can be an array () or a string.


Currently PROIV does not support the usage of Drop Data Variable as a subscripted array.

On Drop Target

Click Event Process icon to display the Logic Editor and define code that is executed when the data is dropped onto the target source.


Click OK to save the Drag and Drop settings.


Note: These properties apply only to PROIV Open Client and not to the PROIV MFC Client.

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Topic ID: 500600