
.DragType enables you to define the type of data that is included in the drag payload.


Setting:          ObjectReference.DragType = Value

Retrieving:       Variable = ObjectReference.DragType


ObjectReference is the Tag Name of the object
is a character string with a maximum length of 250 bytes
is an alphanumeric variable 


When you perform a drag, the data payload associated with the drag consists of a string with a maximum length of 250 bytes, and a Drag Type. This, in combination with the target object’s DropTypeAllowed property allows the Open Client to validate that matching data is being dropped (e.g. a person can only be dropped on person target, a machine part on a machine parts target, etc.)

The target Static Icon should have DropTypeAllowed property set to match the DragType value held in the payload for the drop to occur.


To put the data type of 'Employee' into the drag payload of a Static Icon with a Tag Name of StaticIconTag:

StaticIconTag.DragType = ‘Employee'


Note: This property applies to PROIV Open Client only.


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Topic ID: 510167