generating code for restful web service


Web Services  

To generate code for a RESTful Web Service:

  1. Open PROIV Control Panel and click Web Services.

  2. Expand RESTful Web Services and click Manage RESTful Web Services.  

  3. Click Generate.
    The Code Generation window appears. You have two choices, PHP Client Code and Objective-C Client Code.

  4. To get the code in PHP, click PHP Client Code.
    The RESTful Web Service gets generated into the PHP code and is stored as the zip folder. For example, <RWSname>

  5. To get the code in Objective-C, click Objective-C Client Code.
    The RESTful Web Service gets generated into the Objective-C code and is stored as the zip folder. For example, <RWSname>

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Topic ID: 400044