editing a RESTful web service |
Web Services |
To modify a RESTful Web Service:
Open PROIV Control Panel and click Web Services.
Expand RESTful Web Services and click Manage RESTful Web Services.
Click the RESTful Web Service, the call is sent to the server, retrieves all the information and displays in the middle panel. Hover mouse on the required RESTful Web Service, the description appears as help text. The Web Service in Red indicates that it is not enabled.
Change the configuration of the RESTful Web Service as required. Refer Creating a RESTful Web Service for more information.
Click Save.
The service is created and stored on the server.
Clicking Save at any time causes the service to get stored on the server. The text just below the Save shows whether the current service is synchronised with the version on the server or if it contains unsaved changes. If a field in the service does not have a valid value then it will be highlighted by turning pink. The fields that this applies to are: connector, protocol, path, and task. Ensure you enter a valid value to remove the pink highlight. |
Topic ID: 400036