Running a Test

Running a Test actually moves through the collection of Recordings in order, performing the connection and logon processes to a live PROIV environment. Recordings are made up of Steps, which correspond to the state of the screen after a user interaction (e.g. hitting the RETURN or TAB keys) has occurred.

Note: The important difference between viewing a Test and running a Test is that running a Test drives a connection to a live PROIV Session. Viewing a Test simply replays the Recording without making a connection to a PROIV Session.

At each Step, a comparison is performed on every item between the Recording and the actual PROIV Session and any differences are stored by PROIV Assure. The PROIV Function and Cycle Tag details are logged against the Difference (excluding Report functions).

  1. Open the appropriate console view by clicking either the Tests or Suites tab.

  2. Select the relevant Test on the left hand pane.

  3. Click on the Run, performing comparisons between recordings and actuals Run a Test or Suite  icon. The connection is made to the PROIV environment using the appropriate connection details. Click here to learn more about Test Connectors.

  4. A progress bar appears, which shows the progress of the Test Run. The first time the Test is run, PROIV Assure 'best guesses' the number of steps involved in the Test or Suite, and therefore, it may be inaccurate in the first instance.

  5. If the Test fails to complete as a result of it being unable to locate what it was looking for, an error message appears and you can choose to view the live screen against the Recording. Click here to see a screenshot of an example error message. Click here to see an example screenshot of the Viewing Live Session window.

Fields on the Viewing Live Session window:




Displays the Test name. The field is read-only.


Displays the Recording name. The field is read-only.

Recording Step

Displays the number of the Recording Step where the error occurred. The field is read-only.


Click Exit to close the Viewing Live Session window.

  1. When the Test Run is complete, a row is added to the History pane. Click here to view a screenshot of the History pane.

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Topic ID: 780009