Server-Side Objects (SSOs) are now supported by PROIV Virtual Machine, which means that the power of third-party, or in-house Java class libraries can be leveraged by PROIV Functions. For example, SSOs provide the ability to integrate with web, email and XML services, which opens up a wealth of new functionality to the developer.

Note: The installation of the Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 8 is a prerequisite for the SSO functionality.

SSO support is analogous to the ActiveX support already available in the PROIV Client, and like ActiveX, SSOs have a gallery. The PROIV SSO Gallery enables you to browse your filing system for a JAR file, which it then scans for available classes. Having selected a class, you can save it to the PROIV server as an SSO definition with an associated nickname.

These SSO definitions can then be used in Function Definition Headers to declare SSO instances, each with a unique tag name in PROIV functions. These SSO instances can then be referenced in logic via the tag name to access properties and invoke methods. PROIV logic and the PROIV Timing Cycle have been extended to support the automatic creation, management, error handling, and deletion of SSO instances.

Instances of SSOs can also be passed between PROIV functions as input parameters. If the function is a Global Function, there is an additional tab called SSO Parms on the Function Definition window. The SSOs listed on this tab are not created when the function is run, but are passed in by the caller via an interface map. The SSO instances may then be referenced in the called function by the tag name specified in the SSO Parms list.

Note: PROIV currently supports Java SSOs.

SSO and Support JAR Files

It is recommended that you place all JAR files containing classes which are to be used as SSOs into …\javalib\sso directory. This is on your SSO_JARPATH in the pro4v[n].ini file.

It is also recommended that any support .jar files containing library classes used by the SSOs, are placed in …\javalib directory. This is also on your SSO_JARPATH in the pro4v[n].ini file.

Note: If you experience problems loading support classes from the SSOs, it may be necessary to add an explicit reference to the associated JAR file to the ADDITIONAL_CLASSPATH in the pro4v[n].ini file. The ADDITIONAL_CLASSPATH has a limit of 250 characters.

Section links:

SSO Gallery contains an overview of what the SSO Gallery does, and how to use it.

SSOs and Function Definitions contains an explanation of how to call SSOs in function headers.

Creating an SSO explains the procedure of setting up an SSO.

SSO Constraints clarifies the restrictions that affect SSOs.

SSO Syntax contains details of how to reference SSOs in logic.

SSOs and the PROIV Timing Cycle contains an explanation of how PROIV Timing cycle has been updated to support the automatic creation, management and deletion of SSO objects.

Setting up SSO Tag Names as Input Parameters contains details of how to set up SSO tag names as input parameters.

SSO Java Exception Handling clarifies how SSO Java exceptions are handled by PROIV.

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Topic ID: 500536