Once the SSO Gallery has scanned the relevant directories for JAR files and the associated Java classes, you can then assign a nickname to them and save them to the PROIV server as SSO objects for use in PROIV functions. SSO objects are made available to functions in function definition headers. Click here to see a screenshot of the SSO tab selected on a function definition header.

The SSO tab on the Function Definition window enables you to select an SSO object by its nickname, and assign a unique tag name to it to ensure that it can be successfully referenced in logic. You can also define a set of initial property values, which are used at SSO construction time.

SSO Tag Names as Input Parameters

If the function is a Global Function, there is additional tab called SSO Parms on the Function Definition window. The SSOs listed on this tab are not constructed when the function is run. They are constructed by a caller function and passed as input parameters as part of an interface map for the called function. In other words, SSO objects created in a caller function can be accessed by a called function by specifying their SSO tag names as input parameters in an interface map for the called function.

Section links:

Setting up SSO Tag Names as Input Parameters contains the procedures involved in using SSO tag names as input parameters.

Screen Function Definition explains how to set up SSO objects for use in Screen functions.

Update Function Definition explains how to set up SSO objects for use in Update functions.

Report Function Definition explains how to set up SSO objects for use in Report functions.

Document Function Definition explains how to set up SSO objects for use in Document functions.

Menu Function Definition explains how to set up SSO objects for use in Menu functions.


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Topic ID: 500567