The current active clipboard slot is indicated in red on the Select Active Clipboard Slot icon on the PROIV Developer toolbar. When you click this icon the Clip Manager window opens and you can see which slots currently contain fragments. There are twelve available slots.

With the Clip Manager window open, you can click on any slot to make that the currently active slot.

Contents - If the currently active clipboard slot contains a fragment, you can click Contents to see a list of all the objects that make up this fragment. The window also tells you the date and time when the fragment was placed on the clipboard.

Delete - If the currently active clipboard slot contains a fragment, you can click Delete to remove that fragment from the clipboard. (There is no confirmation message.)

Clear All - Clicking this removes all fragments from the clipboard. (There is no confirmation message.)

Promote - Click this to nominate the fragment in the currently active clipboard slot for promotion to template. Enter a description of the template. (The actual promotion of a fragment to a template is carried out by the system administrator.)

(If you check the Auto-display box on the Clip Manager window, the window will be opened automatically whenever you copy/cut a fragment to the clipboard.)

Use Select Fragment Template for Paste to paste in a fragment template. See Fragment Catalogue Selection.

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Topic ID: 500229