Trail: PROIV Documentation > Developer > PROIV Developer > Developing Functions > Events and Logic > Logic Editor Toolbar

Some icons described here are not always available. This is detailed against each icon.

Select Active Clipboard Slot  - The current slot appears in red. Clicking the icon enables you to change the current slot, to manage the contents of the slots, and to display the contents of the slots. The clipboard is the same one available from the main PROIV Developer Toolbar, so the slots can contain all types of clips, not just logic.

View Logic Held in Selected Clipboard Slot - Displays the contents of the current clipboard slot. The display also offers an option to print the contents. This icon will be enabled only if there is a logic clip in the current clipboard slot.

Remove Selected Line(s) and Place on Clipboard - Cuts the selected lines (selected by highlighting the lines on the screen) and place in the current clipboard slot.

Copy Selected Line(s) to the Clipboard  - Copies the selected lines (selected by highlighting the boxes at the left of the screen) and place in the current clipboard slot.

Paste After Current Line - Pastes the contents of the current clipboard slot below the logic line that the cursor is on. This icon is only enabled if there is a logic clip in the current clipboard slot.

Paste Logic Fragment After Current Selection - Opens the Fragment Catalogue Selection window, simply select a logic fragment and paste it below the logic line that the cursor is on.

Go to Next Error or previous error - If the current logic contains any errors, this icon is enabled. Click to display a list of all lines containing errors, with a description of each error. You are then able to move directly to any line with an error.

Goto next/Goto Previous bookmark - Jumps to the next or previous line that has a bookmark defined.

Clear bookmarks - Clears all defined bookmarks for the current edited logic.

Search Current Function and Object Edit - Searches in the current function.

Global Interface Mapping - Opens the Interface Mapping window without data, so that you can select a function and the map to maintain.

There are three exceptions to this:

Print Logic - The open logic can be printed using the local Microsoft Windows print facilities.

Open Another Logic ID in a New Editor window - This feature allows you to open multiple logics in the same function at the same time (up to a maximum of 10 Logic Editors). This is not available for Global Logics.

Error Message Maintenance - Maintain the function’s or Global Logic’s error messages.

Scratch Variable Maintenance - When entering logic, if you use a new Scratch Variable, a window opens automatically for you to define the properties of that variable. Clicking this icon allows you to view, and maintain all Scratch Variables in the function. Not available for Global Logics.

Function Parameters - Maintain the function’s parameters. Not available for Global Logics.

Data Management - Starts the File Open window for File Definitions only, then opens the selected File Definition for edit. When finished, you are returned to where you were in the Logic Editor.

Open a Global Logic in a New Editor Window  - Starts the Global Logic Open window for Global Logics only, then opens the selected Global Logic for edit. When finished, you are returned to where you were in the Logic Editor.

Global Error Message Maintenance  - Any Global Error messages can be maintained here, not just the ones referenced in the currently open function or Global Logic.

Value Variables  - Any Value Variables can be maintained here, not just the ones referenced in the currently open function or Global Logic.

New File Definition New File Definitions - Opens the Name new file definition window which enables you to create a new File Definition.

New Global Logic - Opens the Name the new Global Logic window which enables you to create a new Global Logic.

Backup/Restore - Global Logics can be backed up and restored in the same way as functions, File Definitions and Tasks. Not available for normal Function Logics.

or Toggle Automatic Book In - Toggle between automatically booking in the Global Logic when closing its edit session, or leaving it booked out. Not available for normal Function Logics.

View the worklist details for changes to logic.

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Topic ID: 500220