Screen Function Definition Parameters



The Parameters tab on the Function Definition Property Sheet is used to specify the parameters that are supplied when this function is called. The tab is only relevant to Global Functions, unless the function is to be called from a Task. A function does not have to be global to be called from a Task.

To open the Screen Function Definition window, follow these steps:

  1. Open the relevant Screen function.

  2. Click Function Definition Properties icon on the PROIV Developer toolbar.
    The Screen Function Definition window appears.

  3. Click Parameters tab.

  4. Amend the properties using the using the following table as a guide:




Displays the automatically generated sequence number.


Enter the type of parameter: I – Input, O – Output, B - Both, E – External, G - Global

The external type allows a file variable to be used by a Global Function, without a file that includes the File Variable being read in the function. This causes a gen failure unless the variable is an External parameter.

The Global type makes a Task parameter available to any function that is called by the Task, without mapping it through the interface.

See also Parameters tab in the Defining a Task topic.


Enter the name of the variable to be passed in the parameter


Enter the variable type, A - Alpha, N - Numeric, or W – Wide


Enter the length of the variable


If the variable is an array, enter the number of elements.

Task Variable

Enter the name of the Task variable to be mapped to this parameter (only used if the function is to be called from a Task).


Click to enter or view descriptive notes on the function

  1. Click OK to close the window and save the changes.

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Topic ID: 500339