


LookMode as the word implies, allows you to access major objects (functions, Global Logics, file definitions and tasks) but without the ability to edit them. This is particularly useful when you require access to objects for information purposes only but where they are currently booked out or being edited by another developer.

Opening an object in LookMode does not deny edit access to yourself or another developer. When an object is open in LookMode you can re-open it in EditMode (providing it is not locked, booked out and you have edit security) by clicking on the object name icon.

LookMode is not available for Windows Workstation version of PROIV Developer.

LookMode works differently for functions than for Global Logics, file definitions and tasks.

Global logics, file definitions and tasks when opened in LookMode simply allow you to view the objects. Fields which normally are editable are now display only.

Functions are highly complex objects and therefore when LookMode is invoked, a snapshot copy of the function is taken. The reason for this is that the structure is always loaded into memory and this could very easily get out of step with permanent data if the function were being simultaneously edited in another session. Were this to happen navigating around the function in LookMode could produce unpredictable results which at best would be confusing and at worst may cause the session to crash.

In order to speed up the load of a LookMode copy of the function the non-structural elements (logic, maps) are copied in via a PROIV batch process. Normally, this will complete by the time PROIV Developer has painted the function structure although there may be a short time lag if there are a high number of logic lines relative to the structural elements. Access to non-structural elements is prevented until the batch process has completed.

Regardless of object type, LookMode is effectively a snapshot view. Apart from functions and Global Logics, LookMode objects are updated every time a screen of data is refreshed. It is important to remember that all of the LookMode object data is potentially out of date.

 No booking history records are created for objects opened in LookMode

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Topic ID: 500223