Unapproving a Release



If there are problems with a release, it can be unapproved to prevent it being exported. To unapprove a release it must already be approved (it will be highlighted in green on the Release Management Console).

If you want to unapprove a release from the Change Management Console, right-click on the release and select Unapprove Release to open the Unapprove Release window. Move to step 3 below.

To unapprove a release:  

  1. Locate and select the release that you want to unapprove on the Release Management Console.

  2. Click Unapprove to open the Unapprove Release window.

  3. If you want to check the changes on the release, click Changes on Release to open the Changes on Release window. Click Exit to close this page.

  4. Click OK.
    The Unapprove Release for Export from Region window appears. The details of the changes and associated objects are displayed.

  5. To show details of any release conflicts for an individual item, select it and click Details.

  6. Click Proceed to unapprove the release.
    Once done, the release is still shown as Work In Progress. If you hover over it, the tooltip indicates that the release is Pending for Approval.


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Topic ID: 550090