PROIV Gateway Connection Configuration |
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The PROIV Gateway is used to run the PROIV Tasks that support the Aurora components.
To view the configuration of the PROIV Gateway, follow these steps:
1. Open the file. This file contains descriptions of the properties and is located here:
..\PROIV Version 8\ClientServices\webapps\Aurora\WEB-INF\classes
2. The PROIV Gateway configuration is located in the PROIV Gateway Settings section:
For example:
# PROIV Gateway Settings
############################################################## = localhost
proiv.gateway.port = 10835
proiv.gateway.environment = Aurora
proiv.gateway.encoding = UTF8
proiv.gateway.sysuserid =
proiv.gateway.syspasswd =
proiv.gateway.codiv = PTI
proiv.gateway.operid = TSK
proiv.gateway.operpwd = TSK
When configuring a PROIV Gateway on a Unix system, the sysuserid and syspasswd must match the details of a valid Unix user and password on that system.
Related Topics:
Aurora Gateway Connection Configuration
Topic ID: 810066