Unapproving a Change |
You can unapprove the change in case there is an error, or it requires more work. You can only unapprove a change if it has been approved. If a change is approved, the date of approval and the name of the user that approved the change appears. When a change is unapproved, the status of the change on the Maintain Change Numbers Console changes to Pending Approval.
To unapprove a change from the Maintain Change Numbers Console:
Locate and select the change number that you want to unapprove on the Maintain Change Numbers Console.
Click Unapprove.
The Unapprove Change Number window appears. -
Click OK.
Click Proceed to unapprove the change.
To unapprove a change from the Change Management Console:
Search for the change using the selection options on the Change Management Console.
Expand the tree and select the change. Notice that the Change details are displayed.
Right-click and select Unapprove Change.
The selected change is unapproved and the log is updated.
Topic ID: 550089