Web Services  

The StructuredDataObject SSO defines an arbitrarily complex object holding primitives (strings and numbers), objects and arrays in any configuration and to any depth. At the simplest level, it holds a collection of named primitive properties. At the top level, the properties can be held either as an object or as an array. An object holds its properties with names in no particular order. An array holds its properties by number not by name. The first property in the array is at number one and not at number zero.

Many of the methods in this SSO use a path parameter to reference properties. The path is a string that identifies the property required in the complex object. For example if a StructruedDataObject (SDO) has a proerty called 'Customer' that is an object and that object holds a property called 'FirstName' then the path to the 'FirstName property is 'Customer/FirstName' or '/Customer/FirstName' (the initial slash is optional). The slash character is used to indicate that the previous part of the path is an object that holds further properties. If the object is an array then the path to reference an array property uses square brackets to hold the array property index (For example, '/Customer/PhoneNumbers[1]' where PhoneNumbers is an array object.

When using a path parameter in any of the 'set' methods that put data in the StructuredDataObject; you can reference objects that don't yet exist as the StructuredDataObject will automatically create any objects or arrays that don't exist.

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Topic ID: 400032