
CREATE_INTERNAL_FILE creates a file.


CREATE_INTERNAL_FILE(<filename>, <key length>, <Record Length>, [<lower case flag>])


<name> Name of the file

<key length> Key length used to access the file

<Record Length> The record length is the sum of field size + 2 for all fields + length of the key.

<lower case flag> One byte string

"1" - allows filename to be converted to lowercase

"0" - does not allow filename to be converted to lowercase.



1 - File created

-1 - File cannot be created

The file is always created with Read and Write access.

The file is created in the path identified by the environment variable PRODATA. The specification of the file created is:

<PRODATA><filename><Default extension>

The path to the file is assumed to exist i.e. intermediary directories are not created.


#RC = CREATE_INTERNAL_FILE(“example","15", "240")

All Internal File Verbs write information messages to the system log.

It is recognized that not all the FSI drivers support all the internal File Verbs functions. Accordingly, error codes are returned as appropriate.

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Topic ID: 520196