The Fields in this Window:

Project - The Project name, up to 32 characters.

Notes - An optional description of the project.

Start Date - The date from which the project is active. Normally the date that the project was added.

End Date - The date from which the project stops being active. This would usually be left blank.

Active? - Is the project active or inactive? Normally set to Active.

Environment Screen Definition - Select a terminal type from the combo box. The default terminal type is the one PROIV Developer uses, GUIDEV. Changing the terminal type here will not affect the working of PROIV Developer, it only affects the size of your screens when maintained in Forms Designer.

The size (in cells) of the selected screen is shown next to the terminal type. If you want the full screen size as shown in Forms Designer to be larger or smaller than the default, other terminal types can be set up in the Terminal Types admin tool.

Make this the default project for all assigned developers  - Check this to set the project being maintained as the default project for all developers that you make members of the project in the Project Security Wizard - Developers In Project.

A developer always has one default project, although they may be members of many projects. The default project is the project that any PROIV objects (e.g. functions) that they maintain will be booked out against. The default project can be changed by the developer, at any time, in the Booking Tab in the Open Dialog.

Member Security - All developers that are made members of the project in the Project Security Wizard - Developers In Project will inherit the security privileges set up here.

The categories are:

Administrator privileges
Function maintenance
File Definition maintenance
Global Logic maintenance
Task maintenance
Dictionary maintenance
Bulk Logic Replace
Bulk Manipulation Tools
ActiveX gallery.

In the Project Security Wizard - Developers In Project, Administrator privileges can be set or un set for individual members.

Next - Click to move to the Project Security Wizard - Developers In Project window.

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Topic ID: 500265