Select Admin from the Developer menu, select the Projects tab, select a project and click on the Project Details .

The Fields in this Window:

Project - The Project name.

Notes - An optional description of the project.

Start Date - The date from which the project is active. Normally the date that the project was added.

End Date - The date from which the project stops being active. This would usually be left blank.

Active? - Is the project active or inactive? Normally set to Active.

Environment Screen Definition - Select a terminal type from the combo box. The default terminal type is the one PROIV Developer uses, GUIDEV. Changing the terminal type here will not affect the working of PROIV Developer, it only affects the size of your screens when maintained in Forms Designer.

The size (in cells) of the selected screen is shown next to the terminal type. If you want the full screen size as shown in Forms Designer to be larger or smaller than the default, other terminal types can be set up in the Terminal Types admin tool.

Members - This section of the screen allows you to manage the member of the project and their permissions. To add a new member select the member from the drop down list at the bottom, set the permissions and hit return. To modify the permissions for a member select them from the drop down list at the bottom, set the permissions and hit return. To remove a member from the project select them from the drop down list at the bottom and click on the delete on the right.

Exclusive - Click on this to display the Project Exclusive List window where you can make individual objects exclusive to a project.

OK - Click to exit and save the project details.

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Topic ID: 500261