Immediate Primary Keywords / Secondary Actions

This table describes the available keywords which are non-conditional, as well as the secondary actions which are available if the primary keyword was conditional.




To Value … {or}

To Formatted String … {or}

To the Length Of

Set an Attribute or Variable to a specific Value, to the value of an Attribute or Variable, to a Formatted String, or to the Length of the literal string, or string held in an attribute / variable.


Increment a numeric Attribute or Variable by a specific value or by the value of a second numeric Attribute or Variable.


Decrement a numeric Attribute or Variable by a specific value or by the value of a second numeric Attribute or Variable.


Convert the string in the specified Attribute or Variable to be all upper case characters


Convert the string in the specified Attribute or Variable to be all lower case characters


Convert the string in the specified Attribute or Variable to be mixed case. Words are capitalised.

For example "DARK RED" would become "Dark Red".

CLEAR ALL Variables

Resets all of the alpha user variables to empty strings and all of the numeric user variables to zero.

REPLACE Matches …

With the Value … {or}

With Formatted String …

Secondary Action Only.

Available when searching alpha attributes/variables for a string, this action allows the matches to be replaced with a specific string / formatted string or one held in another attribute/variable.

CALL Sub List

Calls a nested list of action. Typically the sub list will be called to process specific object types that belong to the current process group, or to process child objects.

CLEAR Persistent Variables

Resets all of the persistent alpha user variables to empty strings and all of the persistent numeric user variables to zero.

CLEAR Non-Persistent Variables

Resets all of the non-persistent alpha user variables to empty strings and all of the non-persistent numeric user variables to zero.

CALL External Update With Parameter…

Calls external stub function @VIPSB21.

A custom value can be passed to it in the Parameter field.

MORPH Object to …

Morphs from one object type to another object type of the same class (e.g. Icon to Button).

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