Any function you develop in PROIV Developer is built up from, and can be broken down into, fragments. A fragment  is a single object or a collection of objects. Some examples of a fragment are: a single screen component, a single File Accessor, a set of screen components,  a complete cycle or set of several nested cycles.

When editing a function you can add objects to the function by selecting the toolbar icon for Add Object(s) After Current Selection . This allows you to build a fragment (a collection of objects) and insert it into your function.

Using the Clipboard for Fragments

You can also copy a fragment from a function to a clipboard with twelve available slots, from where the fragment can be pasted into another function.

If a fragment is particularly useful (for example, a standard toolbar used by many screens or an often used validation routine) it can be promoted to a template from within the clipboard manager () and stored in a central library that is available to all users.

A clipboard exists per user, not per session. This means that if you have several sessions open, you can copy from one function in one session, and paste into a different function in another session.

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Topic ID: 500165