To set advanced options for Software Export

  1. On the Software Export screen, click Advanced.
    The Select Objects for Export screen appears. The list of objects appears same as displayed in the main import screen.

  2. Under the Object Selection Criteria group, specify the criteria:



    Project Name

    Select the project from the list.

    All Project Objects

    Click check box to select all objects associated with the project; however, you can select objects that are booked in/out after a specified date.

    List Name

    Select a Saved List or Work List to add the list of objects to the export list.
    Note: Objects that are deleted from the list are ignored.

    Object Type

    Select the type for an object. Subsequently, the Object Name field is activated and you can choose the object.

    Function Type

    If the selected object is Function, then you can choose the required function type.  

    Object Name

    The list of objects appear based on your choice of Object Type and Function Type. Select the object that you wish to add to the export list.  

    Security Category

    Select the required security category, as required.

    Word Search

    Enter a string of the object's name, description or security category and click Process.
    The list of object that matches the string appears.


    Specify the export options of a selected object. A window replicating the frame of default options appears adjacent to the default options frame for comparison. You may change any of the export options and the object is marked as modified in the first column when you return to the main list.


    Deletes the selected objects from the list.

    Delete All

    Deletes the list.

  3. Click Process.
    The list is built as per your selection criteria. In case the list is too large; then the view is truncated and a message appears at the base with back and forward arrow s that enables to view the list.

  4. To close the screen, click Close.

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Topic ID: 500130