![]() Events View |
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The Events View allows all the logic IDs in a function to be viewed and maintained in one screens.
The view provides a complete picture of the function’s timing cycle. This is different for different function types, so the detail of the screen varies by function type. However, the method of using this screen is the same for all Function Types and this is described here.
Like the Dynamics View, you can see all the cycles in the function, with different coloured boxes making the nested structure of the cycles clear. Within each cycle, the display shows all the objects that have a dynamic effect on the PROIV timing cycle. To aid navigation between the Dynamics View and Events view the same objects and object filtering is used.
The Object column displays the tag name for each object and the Object Type icons. Clicking on the icon opens a Morph Object To window where you can select an alternative type for that object.
The icons used as column headings show the type of event point, e.g. On Function Entry is the first column for all function types. The columns are shown in timing cycle order, so On Function Exit is always the last column.
Icon |
Description |
Logic performed on the entry to a function. |
Logic performed on the entry to a cycle. |
Logic performed when screen mode is selected. |
Logic performed during a sort/select cycle. |
Function Keys or Associated Window/SEL. |
Logic performed on focus. |
Logic performed on window entry. |
Standard validation triggered by keyboard entry |
Custom validation triggered by keyboard entry, or a mouse click if Single Click Event Processing is enabled. |
Logic performed when data appears. |
Logic performed on lost focus. |
Logic performed before read during the sort pass. |
Logic processed before file read. |
Logic performed if a record is locked. |
Logic performed after unsuccessful attempt to read a record. |
Logic performed after record read. |
Logic performed before a write to a file. |
Logic performed on file write error. |
Logic performed after write to a file. |
Logic performed on EOD or Cancel. |
Logic performed on the exit from the cycle. |
Logic performed on the exit of a function |
The icons indicate which event points are permissible for each object in the function.
The small black numbers on the logic graphics show where an event point is actually used to carry out processing; the number is the Logic ID assigned to that point. For example,
For screens only, ticks show where Special Check Logic is used.
Select an object and click on icon to assign an existing Logic ID to this event point, or to add a new Logic ID and assign it to this event point.
Select an object, click on a icon to open the Logic Editor with the Logic ID opened. From the Logic Editor, you can edit the logic, assign a different (new or existing) Logic ID to the event point, or de-assign the Logic ID from the event point.
For screens only, select an object and click on the key icon to display details of Function Keys used in that cycle.
Each object shown in the Events View has a corresponding select box at the far left of the screen. These are used to select objects when building a clipboard fragment.
To access an object's properties, select the icon to display the Object Properties Grid. This displays the object's properties which can be directly selected and amended.
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Note: Setting the Enable Object Properties in Views option in the Developer Options window ensures that the |
Alternatively select the object, and then click theicon on the PROIV Developer Toolbar to display the selected object properties.
Click Expand Detail icon in the bottom toolbar to expand the events view so that it includes more objects in the function structure overview.
Click Contract Detail icon on the bottom toolbar to contract an expanded view. When the view has been fully contracted, only the Function object and Cycle structures will be visible.
Click Redisplay Structure from Current Object icon on the bottom toolbar to re-display the contents of the view, starting with the current object shown at the top of the screen.
Select an object and click the Add Objects After Current Selection icon on the toolbar to add new components to the function, below the selected object.
Double-click on the Object Type icon to open the Morph Object To window. To change the object’s type, double-click on the new object type in the Morph Object To window. The Property Sheet for the new object type opens so that you can redefine the object’s properties. If it is not possible to change the object type then the double-click does nothing.
Topic ID: 500128