You can set the CSS Class either through logic as a property (CSSClassName) or with the property panels in PROIV Developer.

  1. Open PROIV Developer.

  2. Open the function definition in which you want to apply CSS.

  3. To apply CSS for all the objects in a cycle, double-click on the cycle and select the CSS Class name in the Appearance tab. If the CSS class list is empty, see Adding a CSS Class to the List of CSS Classes for more information.

  4. Alternatively, you can add a CSS class by entering a CSS class string and click OK.
    A message appears allowing you to add the CSS string to the list of CSS classes.

  5. Click Yes to confirm.
    The Add a CSS Class Name window appears.

  6. Enter the description for the CSS class and click OK. Ensure the CSS class name has a relevant class in your CSS File. See Sample Code in CSS file for more information.

  7. Compile the function and execute the function in PROIV Open Client.

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Topic ID: 500677