This section describes the property sheets for Screen Cycles, Dynamics, Statics and File Accessors.  To access these screens, select the object and click on the Properties for Current Selected Object icon in the toolbar.

Alternatively select the Change view icon to display the Object Properties Grid. This displays all of the object's properties and they can be directly selected and amended on one screen.

Section links:

Screen Function Cycle details the property sheet for Screen Function cycles.

Active Paging explains how to set up and use the Active Paging functionality for Screen Functions containing a Flat Cycle and a nested Paging Cycle.

Screen Function Dynamics details the property sheet for Screen Function Dynamic components.

Screen Function Statics details the property sheet for Screen Function Static components.

Screen Function File Accessor details the property sheet for Screen Function File Accessors.

ActiveX Control Event Assignments details the property sheet for a Screen Function ActiveX control.

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Topic ID: 500325