Adding a Comparator Group

When a Test is run, a default set of comparisons are performed against the Recording and the PROIV Session. You can choose to turn off particular comparisons and save this set of Comparators to a Saved Comparator Group. They are very useful if you are not interested in certain changes and do not want to detect and handle those differences. Comparator Groups are applied to Tests or Suites, and if a Saved Comparator Group is attached to a Test, it will override the default Comparators. However, it is important to note that if a Recording in a Test is flagged not to compare, then this is obeyed and will take precedence over any group attached to the Test.

Tests and Suites

The Saved Comparator Groups are assigned to Tests and Suites on the Test Details and Test Suite Details windows. For more information, refer to the following topics: Viewing Properties of a Test and Viewing Properties of a Test Suite. Click here to view a screenshot of the Test Details window with the Comparator field highlighted.

Test Runs

Saved Comparator Group details are logged against the Run. To view the unused Comparators against a Test Run, click the Comparators on the Comparison Results window. Click here to view a screenshot of the Comparison Results window with the Unused Comparators for this run window displayed.

To add a Saved Comparator Group, follow these steps:

  1. Click Admin Options Admin options icon on the PROIV Assure toolbar. Alternatively, select the Admin option from the PROIV Assure menu.

  2. Select the Comparator Groups option.

  3. The Comparator Groups window appears.

Fields on the Comparator Groups window:



Column Headings


Comparator Groups

Displays the name of the Comparator Group.


Displays the description of the Comparator Group.




Click Add to create a Comparator Group. The Name new Comparator Group window appears. Enter the name and description of the Comparator Group.


Click Delete to delete the Comparator Group. You are prompted before the deletion occurs.


Click Properties to display the Enable/Disable Comparators window, where you can select or deselect Comparators.


Click OK to close the Comparator Groups window.

  1. Click Add to create a new Comparator Group. The Name new Comparator Group window appears.

  2. Enter the name of the Comparator Group in the Comparator Group field.

  3. Enter the description of the Comparator Group in the Description field.

  4. Click OK to save the details.

  5. Select the newly created Comparator Group from the Comparator Groups window and click the Properties .

  6. The Enable/Disable Comparators window appears.

Fields on the Enable/Disable Comparators window:



Comparator Groups

Displays the name of the Comparator Group. This field is read-only.


Displays the description of the Comparator Group. This field can be amended if required.

Column Headings


Comparator Description

Displays the description of the Comparator Group.


Displays whether the Comparator is enabled or disabled in the Comparator Group. Click the Select or Deselect s to enable or disable the Comparator. By default, all of the Comparators are enabled.




Click Select to enable the Comparator in the Comparator Group. The Selected flag is set to Y.


Click Deselect to disable the Comparator in the Comparator Group. The Selected flag is set to N.


Click OK to save the Saved Comparator Group and to close the Enable/Disable Comparators window.

  1. Select the relevant Comparator from the Comparator list and click either the Select or Deselect s to enable or disable the Comparator. The Y/N flag is updated to either Y or N depending on what is enabled or disabled.

  2. Click OK to save the Saved Comparator Group and to close the Enable/Disable Comparators window.

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Topic ID: 780012