Configuring Virtual Machine settings


proiv dashboard  

To set the Virtual Machine general configuration, do the following:

  1. Click the configuration for which you want to configure the settings. For example, Base.

  2. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click General.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  3. In addition to the basic configuration that exist on all platforms, there are few parameters which are platform-dependent. You may need to consider (set the configuration specifically to handle) these differences whilst you modify the configuration. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name


    Client Connection Timeout

    The application time-out period can be used to set inactivity time-out (in seconds) for reads. This signifies the time in seconds where the client will wait for connection to Virtual Machine before it times out. Default is 30 seconds, 0=none.

    Max Users

    Enter the maximum number of concurrent sessions permitted on PROIV Windows server. The default value is 10.

    Standard Validation Date Century Format

    Turn ON the slider to set the year in four digit format in Standard Validation. The data century format determines how a date field is displayed. The default value is set to OFF which signifies the year in two digit format.

    Date Century Format

    Turn ON the slider to enter the date value in four digit year format. It determines how a date value must be validated whilst entering using the keyboard. The default value is set to OFF which signifies the year in two digit format.

    Enable Umsg Delay

    Turn ON the slider to process the delay time set in umsg. The operand 2 in umsg is the delay, it will be ignored if this is not set to true.

    Print Path

    The print output can be directed to a file and output at this path. It doesn't have to go to a printer directly (Windows Only).

    Home Directory

    It is a directory that serves as a repository for all configuration files, directories of PROIV Virtual Machine. For example, the default path on a Windows machine is "&$@~PROPATH" and on UNIX machine it is "/opt/&$@~PROPATH". You can change it, if required.

    Run Type

    Select either DEVELOPMENT or RUN-TIME mode.

    Enable GUI

    Turn ON the slider to run PROIV in GUI mode.

    Temp Directory

    The Virtual Machine temporary directory.

    Validate Username

    Turn ON the slider to validate public username on PROIV Windows server.

    User Domain

    Domain name is used to validate login information on PROIV Windows server.

    Logon Type

    Select a logon type such as InteractiveInteractive, BatchBatch or NetworkNetwork on PROIV Windows server.

    Network: This logon type is intended for high performance servers to authenticate plain text passwords. The LogonUser function does not cache credentials for this logon type.

    Batch: This logon type is intended for batch server, where processes may be executing on behalf of a user without their direct intervention. This type is also for high performance servers that process many plain text authentication attempts at a time, such as mail or web servers.

    Interactive: This logon type is intended for users who will be interactively using the computer, such as being logged on by a terminal server, remote shell, or similar process. This logon type has the additional expense of caching logon information for disconnected operations; therefore, it is inappropriate for some client/server applications, such as a mail server.

    Mandatory Profile

    Turn ON the slider to set the mandatory profile on PROIV Windows server.

    Secure Connection

    Turn ON the slider to set the secure connection on PROIV Windows server.

    Use EBCDIC

    Turn ON EBCDICEBCDIC to use 8 bit EBCDIC encoding. Returns the EBCDIC equivalent of an ASCII string.


    The EBCDIC routine returns the EBCDIC equivalent of an ASCII string.


    variable = EBCDIC(operand)


    operand is any valid alphanumeric constant, variable, or expression. It can be between 0 and 250 characters long.


    The returned value is the same length as the operand and contains the translated characters.



    The terminal type for PROIV session. The default value is 'GUIDEV'.


    The identifier of PROIV terminal with maximum length 8 characters.

    Mixed Case

    Turn ON the slider to allow mixed case (UPPER and lower) messages.


    Separate Transform

    Turn ON the slider to set for separate transform process (UNIX Only).


    The location of PROIV XSL file.


    VM Session Idle Timeout

    The duration in seconds before idle Virtual Machine session is terminated.

    Enable Non-Input Screens

    Turn ON the slider to permit screens functions that require no input to execute in task mode. When OFF any attempt to execute a screen function in task mode results in an exception.

    Umsg Output

    To Log

    Turn ON the slider to display the user message output to log when running in task mode.

    Msg Output

    To Log

    Turn ON the slider to display the message output to log when running in task mode.


    User ID

    The UNIX user id for the application connector web app process (if non-zero.)

    Group ID

    The UNIX group id for the application connector web app process (if non-zero.)

  4. To configure printerprinter settings on PROIV Windows server, click Printer. To add a new printer, click New. Expand the printer, select the required printer and set the configuration.
    : To delete printer, select the printer and click Delete. The printer is removed from the configuration settings.

    The printer is the one that a PROIV report function outputs to by default. The default printer settings can be overridden at the individual PROIV report function level.




    The name of the attached printer that you want to associate with the Report device.


    The description of the printer driver.


    The port on which the service will listen for Green Screen connections.

    Left Margin

    The number of characters from the left margin. The default value is 0.

    Auto Size or Lines

    Select to Auto Size or Auto line the font.

  5. Click Font and set the configuration values.


    Character Set

    The character set to use for the printer. For example, ANSI, CHINESE.


    The font name.


    Set the orientation as Vertical or Horizontal. Represents the angle in tenths of a degree between each characters baseline and the x-axis.

    Point Size

    The point size for the font. The default value is 16.


    The height in logical units, of the font's character cell or character. The default value is 16.


    The font weight that measures the thickness of the font.


    Turn ON the slider to set italic font.


    The output quality; determines how accurately the print device tries to map the font attributes.

  6. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

Virtual Machine Network Configuration

To set the Virtual Machine network configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Network.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name



    Interactive - applicable for only Windows operating system.

    Enable No Delay

    Turn ON the slider to enable NO DELAY feature on TCP/IP Socket. The default value is True.

    When No Delay is set to false, a TCP/IP Client does not send a packet over the network until it has collected a significant amount of outgoing data. However, if you need to send very small amounts of data or expect immediate responses from each packet you send then you can set to OFF. Use it as per the importance of network efficiency and application requirements at user interaction level.


    The standard connection port on which the service will listen for network connections. The default port number is two digit current version (as found from &$@~PROPATH) suffixed with '023'. In most cases, it is not necessary to change this value.

    Secure Port

    The secure connection port. The default port number is two digit current version (as found from &$@~PROPATH) suffixed with '024'.


    Enable No Delay

    Turn ON the slider to enable NO DELAY feature on TCP/IP Socket. The default value is True.

    When No Delay is set to false, a TCP/IP Client does not send a packet over the network until it has collected a significant amount of outgoing data. However, if you need to send very small amounts of data or expect immediate responses from each packet you send then you can set to OFF. Use it as per the importance of network efficiency and application requirements at programmatic level.


    The port number exposed for task connections. The default port number is two digit current version (as found from &$@~PROPATH) suffixed with '833'.

    For UNIX operating systems, if the port is changed to a different port number to the application connector vm host port then a confirmation dialog will be displayed when the configuration is saved, asking whether the application connector vm host port should also be updated to the same number.

  3. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

To set the Virtual Machine database configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Database.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name


    Default Database


    The location of PROIV bootstrap files. For example, the default path on a Windows machine is "&$@~PROPATH" and on UNIX machine, it is "/opt/&$@~PROPATH".


    The location of PROIV application files. For example, the default path on a Windows machine is "&$@~PROPATH" and on UNIX machine, it is "/opt/&$@~PROPATH".

    Enable Rollback

    Turn ON the slider to enable transaction rollbackrollback, if an error occurs.

    There are several situations where a rollback is automatically performed in order to help protect the integrity of an application database.

    1. When the operator uses the Break key and the interrupt is not disabled.

    2. When a timeout occurs while waiting for operator input.

    3. When it can be detected that the connection to the operator's terminal is lost.

    4. When an attempt to commit fails.

    5. If an individual PROIV process aborts, a rollback is performed either by PROIV itself or by DBMS/file system processes. In environments where the rollback must be performed by PROIV, it will occur only for externally requested, 'controlled' aborts.

    6. When an attempt is made to regen a function within a transaction.

    7. When a PROIV runtime error occurs, it may impact application data integrity. Deadlocks and lock timeouts give rise to errors in this category (and a DBMS or file system may force a rollback for these cases anyway).

    In all these situations, the current PROIV function is terminated. In cases 4 through 7 control is passed to a rollback link function to help the application developer or end-user determine the cause of the problem.

    The rollback link function is stored in the system variable @RFUNCT, which can be altered in logic. The initial setting of this variable is the string '@RFUNCT' and an example function of this name is supplied with PROIV.

    In the case of write errors, specifically errors 018 (error in writing file) and 019 (error in deleting record in file), it is possible to prevent an automatic rollback by suppressing the error. This can be done using the DSELF statement in after-write-error logic. The @SYSERRsystem variable can be tested in after-write-error logic in order to detect specific errors (for example a duplicate key) but its contents will depend on the file system or DBMS in use.

    Failure of a rollback is an error with severe implications for application data integrity. In the unlikely event that this problem occurs, the PROIV session is terminated immediately with a warning message of the form Process aborting due to Rollback failure.

    Ignore Alternate Indices

    Turn ON the slider to ignore alternate indices.

    Driver General Database Settings

    Display Lock Message

    Turn ON the slider to display a message when the records are locked during an update operation.

    Display Error Message

    Turn ON the slider to display a message when the transaction generates an error.

    Add Lock Hints

    Turn ON the slider to automatically add Lock Hints in Full Function SQL Statements. N.B. operation of this option may be affected by settings in the Advanced SQL Server Configuration see expert users


    String valuesString values of 10 to 128. The default value is AUTO.

    Valid values are 10 – 128 or AUTO - This specifies the number of open cursors to be used per connection.  Generally the higher the number of cursors the better the performance but there is a resource overhead on the database using more cursors.  It is impractical to just use one cursor.  


    The database timeouttimeout in seconds.

    These three PROIV Environment Variables must be enabled for SQL Server to use the enhanced record lock mechanism.

    The settings for SQLTIMEOUT are as follows:

    SQLTIMEOUT      -1      - Report record lock immediately the SQL command is issued to the database

    SQLTIMEOUT       0      - Block indefinitely until the database releases the record lock

    SQLTIMEOUT     >0      - Block for the specified amount of seconds before raising a record lock message

    @SQL_TIMEOUT defined in PROIV Logic has higher precedence over SQLTIMEOUT

    To ensure the break key works LOCKED_ROWS_RETURNED=Y and SQLSERVE_TABLE_LOCKING =Y must be defined.  If SQLSERVE_TABLE_LOCKING is not specified, it is enabled by default from PROIV v6.1.57.0 release onwards.

    Enable SQL Alarm

    Set to enable "Waiting for SQL Database" messages (UNIX Only).

    Oracle Configuration

    OCI8 Cache

    Select the caching model. Refer to OCI CachingOCI Caching for more information.

    The Oracle Call Interface (OCI) defines the APIs that PROIV can use to add, retrieve and manipulate information stored in the Oracle database. PROIV 'V' with two digit current version (as found from &$@~PROPATH) accesses Oracle database using Oracle Call Interface routines. The overall performance is improved with the use of the OCI routines in PROIV 'V' with two digit current version (as found from &$@~PROPATH) by replacing the obsolescent OCI routines.

    PROIV provides "OraProcLogon" routine for logging onto an Oracle database which you can replace with your routine to customize the logon procedure based on your business requirement.

    OCI Caching

    In PROIV, the "ORA_CACHE" global logic call must be executed prior to any file access on the file that needs to be cached. You must add the proiv file name associated with tables to the cached-files list by calling the global logic ORA_CACHE<filename>.

    Note: PROIV v8 onwards operates with Oracle 9.2 and above.

    Note: By default, Caching is disabled.  

    'Caching Enabled' to enable caching and 'RowNum Caching Enabled' indicates caching is enabled where select statement uses ROWNUM.

    If an Update or Report cycle is defined as One Time Cycle, then the OCI interface will cache the primary file’s row returned. Concurrently, this is true for all secondary file reads, whether the cycle is called as One Time or Many Time cycle, since all secondary file reads are in effect as ‘One Time’. It records when a full key read is executed. Caching is performed for the files in Look mode (L), transparent SQL, and not for any type of full-function SQL .

    To use the Oracle caching feature, the database and tables which require their result set to be cached, must be configured to enable result set caching by the oracle database administrator.

    Enable Warnings As error

    Turn ON the slider to enable Oracle warnings.

    OCI Simple Logon

    Turn ON the slider to use simple OCI logon.

    SQL Server Configuration - applicable for only Windows and UNIX operating systems.

    Enable Table Locking

    Turn ON the slider to enable table locking.

    Read Uncommitted

    Turn ON the slider to allow other users to read data that has not been committed by the creator. N.B. operation of this option may be affected by settings in the Advanced SQL Server Configuration see expert users

    Select For Update

    Turn ON the slider to enable select for update.

    Sort Updates by Key

    Turn ON the slider to ensure Change and Delete file access modes process records in natural key order by default.

    Insert UpdLock

    Turn ON the slider to insert with UPDLOCK into SELECT FOR UPDATE queries.N.B. operation of this option may be affected by settings in the Advanced SQL Server Configuration see expert users

    Startup Arguments

    Enter the arguments to supply at startup. N.B. operation of this option may be affected by settings in the Advanced SQL Server Configuration see expert users

    Remove Padding

    Turn ON the slider to remove padding from varchar and nvarchar fields.

    Use MARS

    Turn ON the slider to enable multiple active result sets.

    Advanced SQL Server Configuration - for expert users

    Isolation Level

    Control the isolation level to which one transaction must be isolated from the effects of other concurrent transactions.


    Control the locking granularity of transactions.

    Enable locking hints

    Turn ON the slider to have PROIV use locking hints in its transparent SQL.

    Cursor type

    The type of cursor used for queries.

    CISAM Configuration - applicable for only UNIX, AIX and SOLARIS operating systems.

    Rollback Log File

    Log file path to which details of rollback occurrence will be appended.

    POSTGRES Configuration - applicable for only Windows and UNIX operating systems.

    Sort Updates by Key

    Turn ON the slider to ensure Change and Delete file access modes process records in natural key order by default.

  3. To configure Logical Databases settings, expand Logical Databases.
    The SQLDEFAULT database appears as a default logical database. To add a new logical database, click New. To modify the configuration settings, click the required database name and follow the field descriptions mentioned in the table. Note: To delete a logical database, click Delete for the selected database.

    Logical Databases


    The name of the logical database - to be used as prefix to the filename thus %logicalDBName%filename.

    Database Type

    Select the database type. It defines the underlying RDBMS type to one of the following database types such as PROISAM, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, PRO-ISAM or MEMORY. (Availability is OS dependent)

  4. For a Logical Database of type MEMORY, configure the fields using the following table:

    Block Size

    This is the size in bytes that memory is initialised to hold the content of the file and then subsequently the memory block size that is incrementally allocated as the overall file size grows

  5. For a Logical Database of type PRO-ISAM, configure the fields using the following table:


    This is the directory path location that holds the PRO-ISAM files for this Logical Database


    When Lowercase is on a lowercase case conversion is performed on the Location when an attempt is made to locate a resource

    Block Size

    This is the size in bytes that memory is initialised to hold the content of the file and then subsequently the memory block size that is incrementally allocated as the overall file size grows

  6. For a Logical Database of type other than PRO-ISAM or MEMORY, configure the fields using the following table:

    Connection String

    The string required to connect to the database.


    Indicates to the database what collation to use in table sorting.

    Honour Locks

    Turned ON by default, indicating that the database will block processing when a record lock is encountered.

  7. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

Virtual Machine Users Configuration

To set the Virtual Machine Users configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Users.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Expand User.

    Field Name



    Unique user name.

    Company Division

    The PROIV company division code to be used during logon when this user is specified.


    The PROIV operator name to be used during logon when this user is specified.

  3. Click Submit.
    The user configuration is saved.

Virtual Machine Environment Configuration

To set the Virtual Machine Environment configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Environment.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Expand Variable.
    To add a new variable, click New. To modify an existing variable, click the required variable name. Note: To delete variable, click Delete for the selected variable.

    Field Name



    Unique variable name.


    Variable value.

  3. Click Submit.
    The environment configuration is saved.

Virtual Machine Licensing Configuration

Licensing configuration helps you to setup licence to control the features and functionality that are available in PROIV.

To set the Virtual Machine licensing configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Licensing.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name


    Serial No

    The licence server serial number, used to determine the licence group from which a licence is granted. It is the group identifier that uniquely identifies a set of licences on a server.


    Customer Name

    The customer name is displayed.


    Host Name

    The host name for licence server. The default value is the PROIV server name.


    The port number for licence server. The Licence Server accepts requests from PROIV components on this port. This can be altered to avoid port clashes. The default value is 5439.


    Retry Licence Acquisition

    Repeated retries to acquire a licence occurs when the initial attempt fails for any reason. When there is a licence failure, the PROIV Virtual Machine sleeps for the specified interval and then retries to acquire the licence. This is repeated until the duration period has been exceeded. If the final attempt to acquire the licence fails (which occurs after the duration has expired), the session terminates.

    This Retry mechanism is controlled by the following parameters

    LICENCE_SERVER_RETRY_INTERVAL - to specify the minimum interval between retries, in seconds.

    LICENCE_SERVER_RETRY_DURATION - to specify the minimum time for retries to be attempted for, in seconds.

    If LICENCE_SERVER_RETRY_INTERVAL is not specified or it is set to a non-numeric string, then there is no attempt to retry for a licence and failure on the first attempt results in the session being rejected. An interval time must be specified for this facility to be enabled. The minimum value that may be specified for the interval is 5 seconds and the maximum is 60 seconds. If the facility is not enabled then the LICENCE_SERVER_RETRY_DURATION variable is ignored and has no effect on the system.

    If LICENCE_SERVER_RETRY_DURATION variable is not specified, or it is set to a non-numeric string, then the duration defaults to 10 times the specified interval. The minimum value that can be specified for the duration is the time specified for the interval plus one second, and the maximum is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

    The LICENCE_SERVER_RETRY_DURATION variable can be set to zero which has a special meaning. If the LICENCE_SERVER_RETRY_DURATION is set to zero then there is no limit on the duration of the retries. This results in attempts to get the licence being repeated forever and the session never fails, but the session will not start up until a licence has been obtained. If this option is used with incorrect licensing details then the PROIV Virtual Machine may loop forever.

    If a value, for either variable, is specified that is out of range (except for 0 for LICENCE_SERVER_RETRY_DURATION), then the nearest limit is used. For example, if a value less than the minimum is specified, then the minimum value is used, if a value greater than the maximum is specified, then the maximum is used.


    Specify the minimum interval between retries, in seconds. When an attempt to get a licence fails, the PROIV Virtual Machine sleeps for the specified interval and then retries to acquire the licence. The default interval is 5 seconds.


    Specify the minimum time for retries to be attempted for, in seconds.

  3. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

Virtual Machine Server Side Objects

To set the Virtual Machine Server Side Objects configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Server Side Objects.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name


    JAVA Home

    The folder where JAVA has been installed. The default value is based on the operating system; for example, on PROIV Windows server, it is usually "&$@~PROPATH\.. \_jvm8" and for UNIX it is "/opt/&$@~PROPATH/../_jvm8".

    Stdout Log

    The path and file name to write the logs of Java stdout stream out.

    Stderr Log

    The path and file name to write the logs of Java stderr stream out.

    JAVA Charset

    Specify the character set to be used when converting strings from the Java layer into the PROIV Virtual Machine. It is JAVA string character set. The default is UTF-8.


    Java native interface options.

    Class Path

    SSO Library Path

    The location of PROIV JAVA classes. Enter a semi-colon (Windows) or colon (Unix) separated string of fully qualified JAR files, or folders containing the SSO JAR files.

    Additional Classpath

    The location of additional PROIV JAVA classes. A semi-colon (Windows) or colon (Unix) separated string of fully qualified classpath entries to be used by the JVM. Note that you must include the full path to the JDBC JAR file which is used with the Lexicon, including the file name.

    Extended Java Options

    Additional JNI Checks

    Turn ON the slider to perform additional JNI integrity checks.

    Reduce JVM OS Signals

    Turn ON the slider to reduce the use of OS signals in Java Virtual Machine.

    JNI Start Memory

    The JAVA native interface starting memory allocation. Select the initial heap size of the Java Virtual Machine in mega bytes. The default value is 32 MB.

    JNI Max Memory

    The JAVA native interface maximum memory allocation. The maximum heap size of the Java Virtual Machine in mega bytes. The default value is 512 MB.

  3. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

To set the Virtual Machine cachingcaching configuration on UNIX-based system, do the following:

Caching mechanism improves performance and scalability by reducing the runtime execution time. In PROIV, the following PROISAM files are repeatedly accessed during execution. Thus caching the records improves the overall execution time by reducing the record’s access time. This enhances overall system performance.

Note: Currently Hypercaching feature is available only for UNIX platforms.

The version 7 caching model is referred as 'AUTO' and version 8 onwards caching model is referred as 'FAST'. AUTO model retains the internal caches up-to-date against any modifications happening to pro-isam files, whereas the FAST model is 'cache and forget'. PROIV v8 FAST model does not support cache invalidation and is more suitable for read only boots. Similarly AUTO model is more suitable for developers.

PROIV Hypercaching (FAST) in version 8 onwards increases the performance and scalability of the system by caching the file records in internally maintained caches. On first read the records are read from the file and placed in respective cache. The LRU (least recently used) algorithm is used to clear cache items when the cache gets full. You can set the cache size for each PROISAM file using the configuration.

Note: The cache environment variable settings are effective for entire session. You must restart PROIV Virtual Machine for any change in the value of the runtime cache variables to take effect.

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Caching.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name




    Determines the cache model in effect. It sets the cache(s) initial value unless over-ridden explicitly.

    Set RUNTIME_CACHE to either of the following values:

    OFF: Caching environment is disabled for all file types unless it is overridden explicitly by individual cache environment variable.

    AUTO: Caching environment is enabled and PROIV Version 7 caching model takes effect unless it is overridden explicitly by individual cache environment variable.

    FAST: Caching environment is enabled and PROIV Version 8 onwards caching model takes effect unless it is overridden explicitly by individual cache environment variable.


    The default value for RUNTIME_CACHE is AUTO.


    Controls the runtime cache model for genfile records.

    Set GENFILE_RUNTIME_CACHE to either of the following values:

    OFF: Caching environment is disabled for genfile cache.

    AUTO: Use version 7 caching model for genfile cache.

    FAST: Use version 8 onwards caching model for genfile cache.


    The default value for GENFILE_RUNTIME_CACHE is AUTO unless RUNTIME_CACHE is set. The RUNTIME_CACHE value will be used in case GENFILE_RUNTIME_CACHE value is not set.


    Controls the runtime cache setting for functdef records.

    Set FUNCTION_RUNTIME_CACHE to either of the following values:

    OFF: Caching environment is disabled for functdef cache.

    AUTO: Use version 7 caching model for functdef cache.

    FAST: Use version 8 onwards caching model for functdef cache.

    NOT_SET: Caching environment is disabled.

    The default value for FUNCTION_RUNTIME_CACHE is AUTO unless RUNTIME_CACHE is set. The RUNTIME_CACHE value will be used in case FUNCTION_RUNTIME_CACHE value is not set.

    Note: GENFILE & FUNCTDEF cache records are interlinked. It is recommended to set the variables to the same caching model.


    Controls the runtime cache setting for msgf records.

    Set MSGF_RUNTIME_CACHE to either of the following values:

    OFF: Caching environment is disabled for msgf cache.

    AUTO: Use version 7 caching model for msgf cache.

    FAST: Use version 8 onwards caching model for msgf cache.


    The default value for MSGF_RUNTIME_CACHE is AUTO unless RUNTIME_CACHE is set. The RUNTIME_CACHE value will be used in case MSGF_RUNTIME_CACHE value is not set.


    Controls the runtime cache setting for vardef records.

    Set VARDEF_RUNTIME_CACHE to either of the following values:

    OFF: Caching environment is disabled for vardef cache.

    AUTO: Use version 7 caching model for vardef cache.

    FAST: Use version 8 onwards caching model for vardef cache.

    The default value for VARDEF_RUNTIME_CACHE is AUTO unless RUNTIME_CACHE is set. The RUNTIME_CACHE value will be used in case VARDEF_RUNTIME_CACHE value is not set.


    Controls the runtime cache setting for security records.

    Set SECURITY_RUNTIME_CACHE to either of the following values:

    OFF: Caching environment is disabled for security cache.

    AUTO: Use version 7 caching model for security cache.

    FAST: Use version 8 onwards caching model for security cache.

    The default value for SECURITY_RUNTIME_CACHE is AUTO unless RUNTIME_CACHE is set. The RUNTIME_CACHE value will be used in case SECURITY_RUNTIME_CACHE value is not set.


    Genfile Cache Size

    The default cache size of genfile records is 500, you can modify if required.

    Function Cache Size

    The default cache size of functdef records 500, you can modify if required.

    MSGF Cache Size

    The default cache size of msgf records is 1000, you can modify if required.

    Vardef Cache Size

    The default cache size of vardef records is 200, you can modify if required.

    Security Cache Size

    The default cache size of security records is 200, you can modify if required.

  3. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

Virtual Machine Profiler Configuration

To set the Virtual Machine profiler configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Profiler.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name



    Turn ON the slider to enable application profiler.


    The path where the Profiler file gets generated. By default, it is set to PROIV_HOME, the root directory of the PROIV installation.


    The prefix string for the generated profiler file.

  3. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

Virtual Machine Diagnostics

Tracing is a low-level debugging feature that can be useful for analyzing system crashes or unusual behavior when PROIV is executing. The output generated can greatly assist PROIV Support to resolve customer issues more efficiently.

To set the Virtual Machine Diagnostics configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Diagnostics.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required and click Submit. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name


    Trace File Path

    The folder into which the trace files are written. A trailing slash is required. This folder acts as Automatic Diagnostic Repository.

    Tracefile Max Size

    The maximum file size for the trace. When the file size reaches this maximum, trace events are no longer recorded in this file. Enter the file size in MB. The maximum allowed value is 50 and minimum size is 0 (denotes unlimited file size). If not set, then the default value is set to 0.

    Max Files/VM

    The maximum number of trace files that can be created for the current session. You can create a minimum of 1 file to a maximum of 20 files per session.

    The tracing starts with the first trace file and when it reaches its maximum size specified by TR_MAX_FILE_SIZE then it will rollover to the second trace file. This process will continue until the number of trace files generated reaches the max set files per session specified by TR_MAX_FILES_PER_VM. In such a case where the last trace file reaches its maximum size, then the oldest trace file is reused to enable tracing to continue and the rollover process is repeated.

    If TR_MAX_FILES_PER_VM is not within the predefined range of minimum or maximum values, then these parameters will default to either the min (1) or max (20) values depending on whether the set value is less than the minimum value or greater than the maximum value.

    The trace file size is limited using the configuration parameter, TR_MAX_FILE_SIZE. If only TR_MAX_FILE_SIZE is specified and no mention about TR_MAX_FILES_PER_VM, then TR_MAX_FILES_PER_VM will take the default value "1". The tracing starts and a new trace file is created and the logs are written until its size reaches set max file size. When it exceeds the max file size set in TR_MAX_FILE_SIZE, then the tracing log is written from the beginning of the trace file. In this case, the timestamping will implicitly be turned on.

    Trace Levels


    If this is defined it overrides all other trace categories and sets them to this level.


    The trace level runtime cache.


    The trace level for the environment settings processing . Suggested level is 4.


    The trace level for the file system access. Suggested level is 8.


    The trace level for the file system interface. Refer to File System Interface for more information.


    The trace level for the function gen information. Suggested level is 8.


    The trace level for GUI client hints. Suggested level is 8.


    The trace level for the screen client IO. Suggested level is 9.


    The trace level for Java native interface

    Kernel Manager

    The trace level for the Pro4 Kernel Manager. Suggested level is 9.


    The trace level for lexicon.


    The trace level for product licensing.

    Licence Threads

    The trace level to access licence threads.


    The trace level for logic execution. Suggested level is 5.


    The trace level for memory allocation. Suggested level is 4.


    The trace level for menus and toolbars tracing.


    The trace level for miscellaneous items. Suggested level is 9.


    The trace level for profiler.

    Property accesses

    The trace level to monitor properties.


    The trace level for file recovery (file commit, rollback processing). Suggested level is 3.


    The trace level for report output. Suggested level is 4.

    Screen Output

    The trace level to store output of trace data for screen.


    The trace level for the SQL file interfaceSQL file interface. Suggested level is 3.

    The SQL trace option is used to trace the internal SQL code. This includes information such as the generated SELECT / UPDATE / etc. statements. This option is typically used along with the General Trace option TRACEFILE, which shows the higher level code (such as the contents of the current record being read / written). This trace option is actually one of the General Trace options, called TRACESQL.

    There are currently problems with the level settings for TRACESQL. At present, this violates the standard used in all other trace areas, in which a higher level of trace causes more information to be displayed. For TRACESQL, some information displays only if you set level = 2, or level = 9. Other information is only displayed for level = 3, or level = 8 or greater. Most of the Microsoft SQL Server trace is only displayed for level = 8 exactly. So currently the recommended trace levels are:

    • Generic SQL layers (common to all SQL databases). Level = 2 or 3 for some specific SQL code areas; 15 for all.

    • Oracle Driver. Level = 8 or greater for most messages, though some are only displayed for level 3 exactly.

    • DB2 Driver. Level = 3 for main DB2 trace code, 8 or 9 for most / all.

    • MS SQL Server Driver. Level = 8 exactly. This displays all information.

    In general, level = 3 produces a lot of trace information, and should be tried first. If this is not enough, try level = 8 or 9, depending on which database driver you are using. However, with Oracle you will lose a lot a trace information if you do not use level 3.


    The trace level for stack tracing.


    The trace level for the P4API bus and tasks interface. Suggested level is 9.

    Task Admin

    The trace level to trace task administration operations.


    The trace level for the user (developer) application information. Suggested level is 3.

  3. Set the other parameters of Diagnostics as described in the following table.

    Include Trace Levels

    Turn ON the slider to output trace level to trace file.

    Time Stamp

    Add a time stamp (current time) to start of every trace line.

    Y = do with default OS precision (1 second typical).

    H = [Win32 only] High-precision (1 millisecond resolution for NT, 10 millisecond for Win98)

  4. Click Submit.
    The Virtual Machine configuration is saved for the selected configuration.

Virtual Machine Event Logging

These settings allow adjustments to diagnostic logging messages. To set the Virtual Machine event logging configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Event Logging.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name


    Event Logging Level

    Adjust the level of logging output from low (1) to High (4). Default is level 2.

    Event Log Identifier

    UNIX only identifier used when sending messages to the UNIX syslog subsystem.

  3. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

Virtual Machine Code Coverage Configuration

To set the Virtual Machine code coverage configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Virtual Machine Settings tab, click Code Coverage.
    The configuration page appears with default settings.

  2. Modify the configuration as required. The following table describes the fields that can be configured.

    Field Name


    Gen Metadata

    Turn ON the slider to cause PROIV sessions using this configuration to generate additional code coverage symbolic information necessary for code coverage metric gathering.

    Capture Metrics

    Turn ON the slider to enable code coverage to capture metrics. Code coverage metrics will be collected for PROIV sessions and written to a file. Note that this can not be active at the same time as the profiler.

    Output Path

    The path to where the Code Coverage file is generated. By default, it is set to PROIV_HOME\codecoverage, a folder under the root directory of the PROIV installation.

    File Prefix

    An optional prefix string for the generated coverage file. The default is 'cdcvrg_'. The file suffix will be '.p4cc'.

  3. Click Submit.
    The configuration is saved.

Related Topics

Dashboard Overview

Differences Between V8 and V9 onwards Configuration File Properties

Configuration Substitution

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Topic ID: 700058