Open Client Service Settings


Open Client Administration  

Open Client Service Settings

  1. On the Client Connector Settings tab, click OpenClient.

  2. Make your changes to the configuration settings in the following sections:

Service Settings



Service Name

The name given to the service for identification purposes.

Service Description

A brief description of the service.

Service Enabled

Check the box to enable the service. The service is then displayed in the list of Open Client Services. If the service is disabled, the service is not displayed in the list of available Open Client Services. In addition, the connection URL for that service will not function.

Connection Settings



Session Type

Select a Session Type that determines the connection type you want the service to establish with the PROIV application server.


Telnet with No Host Login (Windows)

Selecting this option specifies Telnet processing and no auto-login. Typically, you would select this option for an Open Client service where you want the login to be performed automatically by the Open Client service, or manually by the user.


Telnet with Host Login (Unix)

Selecting this option specifies Telnet processing and auto-login on a Unix platform. Typically, you would select this option where automatic login is not being performed by the Open Client service. If you select this option then you must also provide the details (user name and password) required by the proxy connector to enable it to handle the login negotiations with the PROIV application server.

Connection Protocol

Select a protocol for the connection with the PROIV application server.

Http: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the standard method of transferring data between a web browser and a web server using plain text communication.

Https: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is a form of the HTTP protocol where the data is encrypted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) before it is transferred between a web browser and a web server.


The IP address or system name of the machine where the PROIV application server is installed. The web browser connects to the Open Client servlet which then connects to this host. Click here to view a diagram of the communication between the web browser, Open Client, and the PROIV application server.


The port which the PROIV application server listens to for connections. The default port for both Unix and Windows is two digit current version (as found from &$@~PROPATH) suffixed with '804'.


The user name used at login. If you use Microsoft Windows, the user name is used for the PROIV login process. If you use Unix, the user name is used to log onto the Unix operating system, not PROIV.


The password used at login. If you use Microsoft Windows, the password is used for the PROIV login process. If you use Unix, the password is used to log onto the Unix operating system, not PROIV.

User Prompt

Specify the login prompt for the operating system. The default entry is 'login:' This field is disabled if the Session Type is set to Telnet with No Host Login (Windows).

Password Prompt

Specify the password prompt for the operating system. The default entry is 'password:' This field is disabled if the Session Type is set to Telnet with No Host Login (Windows).

Success Prompt

The string to search for to indicate that the login has been successful. Applicable for Unix operating systems. This field is disabled if the Session Type is set to Telnet with No Host Login (Windows).

Failure Prompt

The string to search for to indicate that the login has failed. Applicable for Unix operating systems. This field is disabled if the Session Type is set to Telnet with No Host Login (Windows).


Command to be run on the host machine once logged in. The default command is ./ This field is disabled if the Session Type is set to Telnet with No Host Login (Windows).

Telnet Binary Options

Unix connections use the telnet protocol to communicate with the web server. How the data is interpreted can be altered by setting the binary option. The following binary options determine the handling of the 8-bit character encodings (such as Unicode).

Default - Negotiate binary.

Force - Force binary.

Rendition Settings




The scaling factor used to convert columns for CSS positioning. You can specify the width of the PROIV rendition in the browser, whereby increasing the width factor moves the PROIV rendition further to the right in browser.


The scaling factor used to convert rows for CSS positioning. You can specify the height of the PROIV rendition in the browser, whereby increasing the height factor moves the PROIV rendition further down the browser.

Resource Paths

A list of resources to be used by the Open Client. Enter a comma-separated list of resources which is searched from left to right.

For example:


Contains all of the PROIV Developer and PROIV Demo images. The  ‘_’ (underscore) will do a lower case conversion on the image name supplied by PROIV, prior to an attempt to locate it. This feature is useful for people who move systems between Microsoft Windows and Unix, as Unix is case sensitive.

Note: Images in the BMP file format are not supported by Open Client. It is advisable to convert them to JPG or PNG format.

Template Page

A template page is used to reference Cascading Style Sheets which control the look and feel of the rendered widgets (for example icons, objects, etc.)

You do not have to enter a template page name in the field as Open Client will search the resource paths for the default template page, index.html. If the file is located, it will be used. It references two CSS files; PROIVFixedStyle.css and PROIVDefaultStyle.css which control the look and feel of the rendered application.

Warning: It is advisable not to change the contents of the PROIVFixedStyle.css as widgets may stop working as expected. Do not change the contents of the PROIVDefaultStyle.css as any updates released by PROIV will overwrite your changes. Instead you should create your own style sheet in the application resources area and use this to override style elements.

You can also create your template page which must be called index.html and must be placed in the root of your folder under the appResources folder. The Open Client loads its own CSS files, but properties in these files may be overridden by properties in your CSS files.

Miscellaneous Settings



Xfer In

Passes parameters to the PROIV session at start up.

Upload Max

Set the maximum upload size in bytes for the file send and receive process. The send and receive process in Open Client requires user interaction, it is not a transparent process. Therefore, when a file is required by the PROIV Virtual Machine, a message box displays which prompts the user to locate the file and manually upload it to PROIV.  To avoid the system bottlenecks, it is advisable to set an upload file size limit to prevent users from uploading huge files.

Code Page

The drop-down list displays all of the available code pages used by the current JVM, dependent on the platform used. Select the appropriate code page for the Open Client service.  This setting enables the deployment of the PROIV Client via Open Client onto a Unix environment.

Default is UTF8.

Calendar Control

Select the check box to enable the calendar control for Date fields.

Enable Legacy Render Mode

Select the check box to enable the Legacy Render Mode, which ensures PROIV fields remain visible beyond their function boundaries.

  1. Click Submit.

Warning: If you do not click on the Submit then your changes will not be saved.

Note: The Open Client Administration component is used by system administrators to set up connections details, which are sent to system users to enable them to access the application. General system users would not use this area to log onto Open Client applications, they would perhaps have a launch page created by their administrator, which contains connection details and made secure through the use of challenge responses.

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Topic ID: 800013