configuring client services

proiv dashboard  

Virtual Machine Connections Configuration

To set the Virtual Machine connections, do the following:

  1. On the Client Connector Settings tab, click VM Connections.

  2. Expand VM Connections.
    The Default Virtual Machine connections are displayed.

  3. Click on the name of the Virtual Machine connection to modify its configuration. To add a new connection, click New.

    The following table describes the fields that can be edited on Windows operating systems.

    Field Name



    Name of the interactive connection.


    Description of connection.

    Host (Read only)

    The IP address or system name of the machine where the PROIV application server is installed. The web browser connects to the Open Client servlet which then connects to this host.

    Port (Read only)

    The port which the PROIV application server listens to for connections. The default port for Windows is two digit current version (as found from &$@~PROPATH) suffixed with '023'.


    Username to use for interactive login. The user name is used for the PROIV login process.


    The password used at login. The password is used for the PROIV login process.

    The following table describes the fields that can be edited on UNIX-based operating systems.

    Field Name



    Name of the interactive connection.


    Description of connection.

    Host (Read only)

    The IP address or system name of the machine where the PROIV application server is installed. The web browser connects to the Open Client servlet which then connects to this host.

    Port (Read only)

    The port which the PROIV application server listens to for connections. The default port for Telnet is two digit current version (as found from &$@~PROPATH) suffixed with '023'. For SSH connections the default port is 22.


    The command to be run on the host machine once logged in. The default command is ./


    The connection protocol. The default protocol is Telnet. See Open Client SSH Connections for more information about SSH protocol options.


    SSH password authentication

    SSH key authentication


    Username to use for interactive login. The user name is used to log onto the Unix operating system, not PROIV.


    (Not SSH key authentication)

    The password used at login. The password is used to log onto the Unix operating system, not PROIV.

    Telnet Binary Options

    (Telnet only)

    Unix telnet connections can be set to the following binary options that determine handling of 8-bit character encodings such as Unicode:

    Default - Negotiate binary.

    Force - Force binary.

    Strict Host Key Checking

    (SSH only)

    An option to enable checking of the key by the host.

    On (default) - The connection will only succeed if the key matches a list of keys known to the host.

    Off - Strict host key checking is not enforced.

    Private Key Path

    (SSH key authentication only)

    Path to the private key file used for authenticating the SSH connection to PROIV Virtual Machine.

    Private Key Passphrase

    (SSH key authentication only)

    Passphrase for the private key used for authenticating the SSH connection to PROIV Virtual Machine.

    Passphrase is only required if private key is encrypted.

  4. On UNIX-based operating systems set to a Telnet connection, you must specify the UNIX Prompt Connection Properties. Expand the connection folder and click Unix Prompt Connection Properties.

    Field Name



    Specify the login prompt for the operating system.


    Specify the password prompt for the operating system.


    The string to search for to indicate that the login has been successful.


    The string to search for to indicate that the login has failed.

  5. To delete a Virtual Machine connection, click VM Connections and then click Delete for the Virtual Machine connection which you want to remove.
    The VM connection is deleted from the list.

  6. Click Submit.
    The Virtual Machine connection is saved


To set the Clients configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Client Connector Settings tab, click Clients to expand the section.

    The General Settings are applicable to all connections through the Client Connector, both Open Client and Lite Client services. The following table describes the General Settings fields that can be altered.

Field Name


General Settings

Session Idle Timeout

The period of time in seconds than an Open Client can remain idle before the session times out.

Authentication Token Expiry

When using Token Authentication (See Client Services Configuration, Security below) the tokens expire after the number of seconds specified here. A token that is presented after expiration will not be granted a connection.


Client Services Configuration

To set the Client Services configuration, do the following:

  1. On the Client Connector Settings tab, navigate to the Client Services tree.

  2. To configure Client services, expand Client Services.
    The Default services are displayed.

  3. Click on the name of the service to modify its configuration. To add a new service, click New. The following table describes the fields to change the values.

    Service Name

    Name to identify the service.

    Service Description

    Enter the description for the service.


    By default, the service is enabled and is displayed in the list of Services. To disable, turn OFF the slider. If the service is disabled, the service is not displayed in the list of available Services. Additionally, the connection URL for that service does not function.

    VM Connection

    Select the VM Connection for this service to connect a PROIV Virtual Machine. For more information, refer to VM Connections.

    Xfer In

    Represents the data transferred at session start up.

    Maximum Upload Size

    Set the maximum upload size in megabytes (MB) for the file send and receive process. The send and receive process in Open Client requires user interaction, it is not a transparent process. Therefore, when a file is required by the PROIV Virtual Machine, a message box displays which prompts the user to locate the file and manually upload it to PROIV. To avoid any system bottlenecks, it is advised to set an upload file size limit to prevent users from uploading huge files. The file size range allowed is anywhere between 0 and 2148 MB.

    Transport Protocol

    Communication between the client service and the PROIV Virtual Machine has a choice of transport protocols.

    WebSocket (default) - The WebSocket protocol mainatains a two way communication where client and server can transfer messages at the same time. This communication channel uses a single TCP connection.

    HTTP - The traditional internet protocol that communicates by sending a Request message to the server. The server replies with a Response message.

    Poll Interval (WebSocket only)

    The service checks for data from the PROIV Virtual Machine at intervals. The Poll Interval is the time, in milliseconds, between these checks. 
  4. Click Rendition.


    Character Width

    Applications need character-width data to fit the text to page or column. It represents the width in pixels of a character cell. The default width is 9. This is the scaling factor used to convert columns for CSS positioning. You can specify the width of the PROIV rendition in the browser, whereby increasing the width factor moves the PROIV rendition further to the right in browser.

    The following illustration shows the height and width components of a character:

    Character Height

    Represents the height in pixels of a character cell. The default height is 20.

    This is the scaling factor used to convert rows for CSS positioning. You can specify the height of the PROIV rendition in the browser, whereby increasing the height factor moves the PROIV rendition further down the browser.

    Resource Paths

    A list of resources to be used by the Open Client. Enter a comma-separated list of resources which is searched from left to right.

    Default value is "_proiv"

    Contains all of the PROIV Developer and PROIV Demo images. The ‘_’ (underscore) will do a lower case conversion on the image name supplied by PROIV, prior to an attempt to locate it. This feature is useful for people who move systems between Microsoft Windows and Unix, as Unix is case sensitive.

    Note: Images in the BMP file format are not supported by Open Client. It is advisable to convert them to JPG or PNG format.

    Template Page

    Represents the name of the html page to use as a template for the inclusion of alternate CSS.

    Legacy Render Mode Enabled

    Turn ON to enable the Legacy Render Mode. This ensures PROIV fields remain visible beyond their function boundaries.

    Persistent Menu Mode

    Turn ON to enable the Persistent Menu Mode. This ensures PROIV menus remain active beyond their function boundaries.

    Code Page

    The drop-down list displays all of the available code pages used by the current JVM, dependent on the platform used. Select the appropriate code page for the service.

    Default is UTF-8.

    Calendar Control Enabled

    Displays a calendar through which you can move to any day in any year. Turn ON the calendar control to use the calendar in the Date field.

    Combobox Maximum Rows

    The maximum number of rows that will be displayed in a combobox, default 5000.

  5. Click Lite Client Rendition.

    Lite Client Rendition

    Resource URL

    Resources (images, css, etc) will be obtained from the external URL that can be specified here. For further information see resources

    Default Image Type

    The image type (file extension) that Lite Client will use by default (.gif, .jpg, etc.).

    Add missing Images

    Enabling Add Missing Images will cause Lite Client to automatically generate disabled and mouseover images as required.

    Default value is "false"

    Lower Case Images

    Enabling Lower Case Images will cause Lite Client to take the image name supplied in the PROIV code and perform a lowercase conversion prior to attempting to locate the image.

    Default value is "false"

  6. Click Security. Set the toggle button on to enable token authentication. Token-based authentication allows users to verify their identity, and in return, receive a unique access token. Rather than having to re-enter credentials each time, access is granted until the token is invalidated. 
    Switching on token authentication reveals a Token Password field. Enter a password that will be used to create the token for the connection. A successful authorisation creates a token in the browser store.

  7. To delete a service, click Client Services and then click Delete for the service which you want to remove.
    The service is deleted from the list.

  8. Click Submit.
    The Client service configuration is saved.
    Note: The Client Services component is used by system administrators to set up connections details, which are sent to system users to enable them to access the application. General system users would not use this area to log onto Client applications, they may have a launch page created by their administrator, which contains connection details and made secure through the use of challenge responses.

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Dashboard Overview

Open Client SSH Connections

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Topic ID: 840001