Lite Client and the Browser

Lite Client

The Lite Client is a JavaScript library that can be loaded from any server and connects to a PROIV server for access to PROIV application sessions. The Lite Client has a JavaScript interface that allows the user to start and stop one or more PROIV sessions in an HTML page. The Lite Client components use the CSS loaded in the page to display PROIV fields so these look just like the other areas on the page.

Section Links:

The Running an Embedded Lite Client explains how the Lite Client can be loaded and run embedded in an HTML page.

The Lite Client JavaScript Library explains what functions are in Lite Client JavaScript library.

The Bootstrap CSS explains how the Lite Client uses the Bootstrap CSS.

The Component Templates explains the Lite Client works with component templates.

The Component Tethering explains the Lite Client component tethering feature.

The Style Sheets details the Lite Client style sheets.

The Resources explains how the Lite Client accesses resources.

The Session Connection details the Lite Client PROIV session connection process.

The Lite Client and OpenAjax explains the Lite Client OpenAjax usage.


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Topic ID: 870022