
.MousePressedLabel allows you to specify the label to be applied to certain objects when the mouse pointer is over it and the primary mouse is depressed.

This property can also be used to configure the visual appearance of the Drag avatar used in the Drag and Drop functionality. The label is then displayed when the mouse is pressed during the Drag operation.

Note that the Drag operation does not have its own Logic Event (logic is fired on the Drop). Consequently, you must set the visual appearance of the Drag avatar in code before the Drag occurs in the Timing Cycle. Click here for more information about Drag and Drop. 


Setting:        ObjectReference.MousePressedLabel = Value

Retrieving:   Variable = ObjectReference.MousePressedLabel


ObjectReference is the Tag Name of the object
is a character string or variable
is an alphanumeric variable





To set the MousePressedLabel to 'Visa selected' for an Icon object (Tag Name = CUSTOMERACTIVEICON:

 CUSTOMERACTIVEICON.MousePressedLabel = 'Visa selected'  or

$VISA_MPLABEL = 'Visa selected'


To retrieve the current MousePressedLabel text from that same object:



Note: .MousePressedLabel and .MousePressedGraphic properties are not new to PROIV but can be used to configure the appearance of the Drag avatar in PROIV used in the Drag and Drop functionality.


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Topic ID: 510073