Launching a new tab in PROIV Aurora

   PROIV Aurora Help

To use the comms control to launch a new tab in PROIV Aurora, follow these steps:

  1. Register the comms ActiveX control on your system.

  2. Import the control into PROIV via the ActiveX Gallery (See the PROIV Online Documentation, Topic ID 500001 for more information).

  3. Add the control to a Static page in a PROIV Screen Function.

  4. In the logic that is called after the screen has rendered, call the notifyAurora function on the control, passing in the following parameters:

ParamName = "OPENNEWTAB"

$Param1 = $TabTitle

$Param2 = $ContentType

$Param3 = $Content

The following optional parameters are only used in launching PROIV Functions:

$Param4 = $KeyName

$Param5 = $KeyValue

$Param6 = $OutputDevice





Text that appears on the tab


Content that the tab displays:

M’enu, ‘T’ask, ‘U’rl


The Menu ID, PROIV Task, or URL you want to open. Tasks are either a Function Route or function. Note that Function Routes take precedence over functions.


Key field used by a PROIV Screen when opened.


Value of the Key field.


Enables you to specify a different output device. If not specified, the Output Device currently specified in the session is used.


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Topic ID: 810076