![]() Report Function Definition Spooler |
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Click on the Function Definition Properties icon and click on the Parameters tab.
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The function needs to be built before changes to the spooler settings will be applied. |
The Fields in this Window:
Output Type - This allows the spooler options for the report function to be set.
The options are:
Default - At run-time the output for the report will obey the settings for the operator, terminal and system.
Logical Printer - This sets the report output to go to one of the ten logical printers that can be set up in a PROIV environment. These can map to physical printers through the server or the client.
Printer Queue - This sends the output to an operating system printer queue. This could be logical or physical.
Printer Port - This sends the report output to your local PC printer port (e.g. LP1).
Network Printer via a Client - This sends the report output to a printer available to your local PC via the network.
Attached Printer - This sends the report output to the printer physically attached to your local PC.
Screen - This sends the report output to your screen.
Physical File - This sends the report output to a physical file on the server.
Physical Device - This sends the report output to a named physical device on the server.
Screen with Delimited Output - This sends the report dynamic data to the your screen, in a character-delimited form, ignoring the formatting as defined in the report function. The delimiter is user-defined.
File with Delimited Output - This sends the report output to a physical file on the server, in a character-delimited form, ignoring the formatting as defined in the report function. The delimiter is user-defined.
API for Bus & Tasks - This sends the report output through the PROIV bus to a 3rd party application. This is only applicable if the report is being called by a Task. The output is in character-delimited form, ignoring the formatting as defined in the report function.
XML to Screen - Allows the transformation of an XML report to a document (usually in PDF format but other formats can be used). The report is then rendered on a workstation running the PROIV Client. If a file name is specified in the Client File field, a physical file is created on the client. The formatting of the output, as defined in the report function, is ignored.
XML to Physical File - This sends the report output to a physical file on the server in XML format. The formatting of the output, as defined in the report function, is ignored.
XML to the Bus & Tasks API - This sends the report output through the PROIV bus to a 3rd party application. This is only applicable if the report is being called by a Task. The formatting of the output, as defined in the report function, is ignored.
Notes - Click to enter or view descriptive notes on the function.
Topic ID: 500285