![]() Immediate Primary Keywords / Secondary Actions |
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Immediate Primary Keywords / Secondary Actions
This table describes the available keywords which are non-conditional, as well as the secondary actions which are available if the primary keyword was conditional.
SET … To Value … {or} To Formatted String … {or} To the Length Of |
Set an Attribute or Variable to a specific Value, to the value of an Attribute or Variable, to a Formatted String, or to the Length of the literal string, or string held in an attribute / variable. |
Increment a numeric Attribute or Variable by a specific value or by the value of a second numeric Attribute or Variable. |
Decrement a numeric Attribute or Variable by a specific value or by the value of a second numeric Attribute or Variable. |
Convert the string in the specified Attribute or Variable to be all upper case characters |
Convert the string in the specified Attribute or Variable to be all lower case characters |
Make MIXED CASE ... |
Convert the string in the specified Attribute or Variable to be mixed case. Words are capitalised. For example "DARK RED" would become "Dark Red". |
CLEAR ALL Variables |
Resets all of the alpha user variables to empty strings and all of the numeric user variables to zero. |
REPLACE Matches … With the Value … {or} With Formatted String … |
Secondary Action Only. Available when searching alpha attributes/variables for a string, this action allows the matches to be replaced with a specific string / formatted string or one held in another attribute/variable. |
CALL Sub List |
Calls a nested list of action. Typically the sub list will be called to process specific object types that belong to the current process group, or to process child objects. |
CLEAR Persistent Variables |
Resets all of the persistent alpha user variables to empty strings and all of the persistent numeric user variables to zero. |
CLEAR Non-Persistent Variables |
Resets all of the non-persistent alpha user variables to empty strings and all of the non-persistent numeric user variables to zero. |
CALL External Update With Parameter… |
Calls external stub function @VIPSB21. A custom value can be passed to it in the Parameter field. |
MORPH Object to … |
Morphs from one object type to another object type of the same class (e.g. Icon to Button). |
Topic ID: 500202