When you install Aurora, you can decide to install the PROIV Aurora Security and Menu Framework or alternatively you can decide to implement your own security and menu framework. To facilitate this, runtime versions of the certain PROIV Functions are included as part of the installation. They can be replaced with alternatives containing your own code.

If a 3rd party Security and Menu Framework is required instead then the following functions must be implemented:

Function Name



PROIV Security and Menu Functions




Global Update

Records the operator logon details from Aurora.


Global Update

Gets a new Security Session


Global Update

Initialises Routes and variables for an Aurora Session.


Global Update

Adds functions or Routes to history.

Security Profile Functions




Global Screen

Security Profiles combo box list.


Global Screen

Security Profiles list box Global SEL


Global Update

Validates Security Profile input

Infobar Screen List




Global Report

Infobar Screen function list RSS feed.

Mapped Tasks




Global Screen

Determines the screen that appears when you click on the Maintain Favourites option. The enables the addition, deletion or amendment of entries in the Favourites list.

PROIV Developer prevents the creation of new functions with a prefix of ‘@’ because the names are reserved for the supplied PROIV Functions. Therefore, empty versions of these functions are provided in the aurora_core_replaceables.vpx file, which can be imported and edited in PROIV Developer as required.

After changing any of the replaceable tasks or functions, it is recommended that you export them to a back-up.vpx file. This is to protect against accidentally overwriting them in the future by re-importing the empty versions of the functions, or by installing the PROIV Security and Menus Framework as part of an upgrade.

Customisable Tasks and Functions

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