The PROIV Application Settings option enables you to configure PROIV properties, auto-complete settings and list settings.

  1. Click PROIV Application Settings option.

  2. In the PROIV Properties section, select the relevant property and click the Edit . The Edit Property window displays.




Sets the top left icon that appears in the title bar of the main PROIV frame window. The selected graphic must be available on all clients and must have an .ico extension. The location can be either the complete path and icon name, or just the icon name if the icon is located in the same directory as the proiv.exe, normally the PROIV Client installation directory.

For example:



Sets the text which displays in the title bar of the main PROIV frame window and all pop-up child frames that may be created during the PROIV Session.


Determines whether URLs are automatically detected and when the text is clicked on a screen, the website appears in your browser.


Sets the background colour of the PROIV Session if the following conditions are true:

  • If the DefaultWallpaper has not been defined.

  • If the DefaultWallpaper has not been loaded into the PROIV Client

Note: DefaultWallpaper loads as the PROIV Client's background. The ClientBackColor is restricted to the PROIV Client's parent frame or window (i.e. ClientBackColor is not applied to child windows, for example Global Screens.)

The acceptable entries in this field are decimal numbers for colours.

To find the decimal number a colour, follow these steps:

  • Find the hexadecimal code of the colour. You can use the internet to find this information, for example Color Codes website has a list of codes.

  • Convert the hexadecimal code into a decimal number. You can use the internet to find this information, for example Hexadecimal Conversion website has a useful convertor.

  • Enter the number into the field and restart PROIV Session for the changes to take effect. Note that the selected colour must be supported on your computer for it to display correctly.


If enabled, any active external report viewer launched by the current session will exit when the current session is closed.


DEPRECATED. Used only in legacy Version 5 PIV files.


Sets the name of the Dynamic Data Exchange service name. The default setting is PRO-IV.


Sets the wallpaper that appears by the PROIV session. You can select .gif, .bmp or .jpg files.


You can manually add the property and when it is enabled and the client restarted, keys such as Up/Down/Enter/CTRL+V/CTRL+C are enabled to work in the PROIV_Browser control.

Without the EnableFullBrowserKeys property enabled, the keys do not action.


Displays a menu when you right-click in a Paging Area. It is not configurable, it gives the modes: Cut, Copy, Paste, Window and Expand.

Note that it is not related to the Control Bar/Action Control right-click menus.


Sets the colour that is applied to the even-numbered records of a Paging Cycle.

The acceptable entries in this field are decimal numbers for colours.

To find the decimal number a colour, follow these steps:

  • Find the hexadecimal code of the colour. You can use the internet to find this information, for example Color Codes website has a list of codes.

  • Convert the hexadecimal code into a decimal number. You can use the internet to find this information, for example Hexadecimal Conversion website has a useful convertor.

  • Enter the number into the field and restart PROIV Session for the changes to take effect. Note that the selected colour must be supported on your computer for it to display correctly.


Sets the font height of text displayed in the PROIV session, including field labels, data and user messages.


Used to specify PROIV menus that are represented by an icon.
0 = Functions will be shown traditionally with push s.
1 = Type M functions which have been built with icon capability will be executed as iconic menus.

Recommended Setting

iconicmenus = 1


turns the mouse pointer into an hourglass when the kernel is busy (i.e. when the lightning bolt is red).


Setting affects the mouse cursor behaviour. If KernelWaitTimeOut is set to 1 and the KernelWaitHourGlass property is enabled, you can use the Application.busy property to set or unset the cursor (where True is on and False is off.) This will display the busy icon as per the operating system.


Sets the locale .dll file. The locale determines the set of parameters that defines the user's language and country.


Sets the number of recently used functions shown in the Kernel Prompt window which are saved to the PIV.


Sets the colour that is applied to the odd-numbered records of a Paging Cycle.

The acceptable entries in this field are decimal numbers for colours.

To find the decimal number a colour, follow these steps:

  • Find the hexadecimal code of the colour. You can use the internet to find this information, for example Color Codes website has a list of codes.

  • Convert the hexadecimal code into a decimal number. You can use the internet to find this information, for example Hexadecimal Conversion website has a useful convertor.

  • Enter the number into the field and restart PROIV Session for the changes to take effect. Note that the selected colour must be supported on your computer for it to display correctly.


Specifies that a font size (x and y) should take into account the underline and italic settings of the font. If set to 0, the calculated font size assumes that underline and italic are always on. This effectively gives you slightly larger widget sizes. The value is read from the registry rather than the PIV setting.


Enables PROIV to send a list box selected item to the kernel each time the value needs to be sent. If this setting is 0 then the value is only re-sent if it has changed since the last time it was sent. The value is read from the registry rather than the PIV setting.


Specifies the line style to use for horizontal lines in paging areas.


1 = PS_DASH       /* ------- */

2 = PS_DOT         /* &.... */

3 = PS_DASHDOT              /* _._._._ */

4 = PS_DASHDOTDOT      /* _.._.._ */



Specifies the line style to use for vertical lines in paging areas.


1 = PS_DASH       /* ------- */

2 = PS_DOT         /* &.... */

3 = PS_DASHDOT              /* _._._._ */

4 = PS_DASHDOTDOT      /* _.._.._ */

5 = PS_NULL.


Displays comparison information when a PIV is loaded. This option is not available if you are running PROIV after a clean installation.


Displays text in left print margin.


Sets the language and code pages that PROIV uses to display characters. The resource dll selected on the Regional Settings option determines the default Regional Setting. This can be changed if required.


Sets the application to be used as the destination for report generation. Enter the full path to the editor, for example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe.


Sets the file extension the client uses when creating a temporary file during report generation for example: .doc.


If enabled, the window frame border appears. If disabled, the window frame border is hidden.


If enabled, the menu bar appears. If disabled, the menu is hidden.


If enabled, the scroll bars are displayed. If disabled, the scroll bars are hidden.


If enabled, the status bar appears. If disabled, the status bar is hidden.


If enabled, the title bar appears. If disabled, the title is hidden. You can alter the text in the title bar, see the ApplicationTitle setting for more information.


If enabled, the toolbar appears. If disabled, the toolbar is hidden.


If enabled, the PIV file is automatically saved and the application is closed on session exit. If disabled, the PIV file is not automatically saved.


DEPRECATED Forced pop-up windows to be 2 rows longer. This was introduced for Superlayer purposes and therefore is now deprecated.


Sets the length of time the client waits for the kernel to read a database record (in seconds). The value is read from the registry rather than the PIV setting.

SystemWaitMsg (Unix kernel only)

Y = the following message displays when a system command has been completed:

'System Command completed
Returning to PROIV.'

N = Suppress the message.


If set to TRUE, you can continue typing regardless of the current PROIV operation, if PROIV is busy at the time, it handles the entry when it is free to do so.

Auto Complete Settings

The Auto Complete section gives the user a limited amount of control over the operation of the .AutoCompleteEntry property for edit boxes and combo boxes.  The developer can specify that certain edit boxes and combo boxes can have augmented data entry properties through the .AutoCompleteEntry property. These edit boxes and combo boxes can then remember the last n (default being 50) unique data items entered into each control. PROIV then prompts the user with items that match the data entered so far into the control.


Auto Complete functionality in edit and combo boxes is disabled regardless of any settings made in PROIV logic.

Always Complete

Puts the best previous match into the field until you stop typing. If there is only one entry in the list, it is automatically entered into the edit or combo box.

Overrides the .AutoCompleteEntry settings for all controls that have .AutoCompleteEntry turned on.

Always Suggest

Displays a drop down based on the characters you type. For example, if the previous values entered in a field are Fred, Fish, Frank and John, typing F would populate a list with Fred, Fish and Frank. Typing "Fr" populates the list with Frank and Fred. Typing "Fre" limits the list to Fred.  

Overrides the .AutoCompleteEntry settings for all controls that have .AutoCompleteEntry turned on.

Set by PROIV

Enables the developer to configure the Auto Complete settings on a field by field basis. The Auto Complete setting is on the Data tab on the Editbox or Combobox Properties windows for both Dynamics and Statics.

Maximum entries per field

This field allows the user (not the PROIV developer) to specify for the current PIV, how many items per object Tag Name are to be remembered, and can also discard all remembered entries. If the count of items remembered is reduced, excess entries are deleted.

In other words, it is the maximum number of items which are available to draw suitable subsets from your recent text entries. These subsets are based on the first few letters that are typed into the edit and combo boxes.

List Settings

The developer can store the state of the column sort order, column width, and column order of a particular list box after the current function exits by setting the .RememberSettings property for the list box object to TRUE. If this property setting is used, the information is stored in the Windows Registry on the Client’s machine under a per-Windows user, per-PIV, per Tag Name key. Those settings are subsequently retrieved and used to initialise the list box environment when it is next displayed.

The List Settings section gives the PROIV user some control over the storage of these settings and allows them to be imported and exported across different machines


The accumulated list box registry information for the current PIV can be exported to a file (of unspecified and undefined contents) by clicking on the Export . A standard Windows File Save window appears for you to enter the name of the export file, or to select an existing file.


A file can be imported by clicking on the Import , which brings up a standard Windows File Open window so you can select the correct import file. When an import is done, the imported items are merged with the existing ones. If an item already exists, it is overwritten by the newly imported item.


All the list box registry information stored for the current PIV and current Windows user can be discarded by clicking on the Clear .

  1. Click Apply to save the changes.

  2. Click OK to close the window.

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Topic ID: 760100