
.StartPagingSequence allows you to specify the starting Paging Sequence record number (i.e. the first record to be displayed) in a Paging Cycle object.


Setting:          ObjectReference.StartPagingSequence = Value

Retrieving:     Variable = ObjectReference.StartPagingSequence


ObjectReference is the Tag Name of the Paging Cycle object
is a numeric variable with a value of 1 or greater
Variable is a numeric variable


This property sets the value in @SPSEQ.  You can either assign a value directly to @SPSEQ, or use this property.  

Retrieving the value of the property retrieves the value of @SPSEQ, which is always updated by Paging Cycle navigation.

The property should be set before a Paging Cycle appears.  It will not have any effect when set during the display of a record or page until the screen is refreshed by using the RefreshPage() method.


To retrieve the Paging Sequence record number of the record at the top of the Paging Cycle whose Tag Name is OrderScreen:

#TopOrder = OrderScreen.StartPagingSequence

To set the first Paging Cycle record to be displayed in the same Paging Cycle before the screen has been displayed:

OrderScreen.StartPagingSequence = #TopOrder

To set the first Paging Cycle record to be displayed in the same Paging Cycle after the screen has been displayed:

OrderScreen.StartPagingSequence = #TopOrder

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Topic ID: 510091