
.RememberSettings remembers the column widths, and column sort order for list boxes between invocations of the list box.


Setting:          ObjectReference.RememberSettings = Value

Retrieving:     Variable = ObjectReference


ObjectReference is the Tag Name of the list box. It cannot be a variable and it is case sensitive.
is a numeric or property statement.

is a variable with value of TRUE or 1, FALSE or 0


The value of this property can be both set and retrieved.

If this property is set to TRUE, the column order, column widths and column order is stored in the Microsoft Windows registry on the Windows Client in a per-Windows user, per-PIV, per-object key. When the list box is subsequently displayed, the settings are applied prior to its display.

Remembered settings can be discarded on a per-Windows user, per-PIV file basis by clicking on the Clear in the List Settings section on the PROIV Application Settings window. The Import and Export s allow remembered settings to be exported to, or imported from a nominated file that holds the data in an undefined and unspecified format. Imported items are merged with existing ones, overwriting matching items with the imported values.

The default is FALSE.


To remember settings for a list box called "Customers":

Customers.RememberSettings = TRUE

To retrieve the value of the .RememberSettings property from the list box called "Customers":

#CustRS = Customers.RememberSettings

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Topic ID: 510131