
.DefaultHotSpot allows you to specify the objects that will be mapped to the <Enter> key.


ObjectReference.DefaultHotSpot = Value


ObjectReference is the Tag Name of the object
TRUE or 1, FALSE or 0


The value of this property can only be set, not retrieved.

f an object has this property assigned, the object will receive the <Enter> key when pressed, and the application will behave as if this object had been clicked.

Only one object can hold this property at one time. If a second object is assigned this property, the first object loses the property.  

If the object assigned this property is a , it will receive the standard Windows rendering for a default hotspot. If the object is an icon, no special rendering will take place.

If the screen is cleared, the property will be cleared from the assigned object.

The default is FALSE.


To set the .DefaultHotSpot property of a whose Tag Name is OK:

OK.DefaultHotSpot = TRUE

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Topic ID: 510049