
.ClickType enables you to differentiate between the click type (single or double click) for list boxes rendered using Open Client when the Single-Click functionality is enabled. You can then change your application to read and to act on the value.


Variable = ObjectReference.ClickType


ObjectReference is the Tag Name of the list box.
Variable -
ClickType property defaults to an empty string and the variable is set to it.


The property is read-only and any attempt to write to it at run time, results in a run-time error.

A single click in an Open Client list box row with the Single-Click functionality enabled updates the list box ClickType property to the word ‘SINGLE'. You can read and act on the value according to your requirements.

A double click in an Open Client list box row with the Single-Click functionality enabled updates the list box ClickType property to the word ‘DOUBLE’. You can read and act on the value according to your requirements.


To retrieve the .ClickType property for a list box whose Tag Name is 'Listbox1':

$ClickType = ListBox1.ClickType


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Topic ID: 510171