In the Application Definitions File the Font mappings are defined in the format:


Font names are not case sensitive.

An example is:

Monofont=Courier New

Logical Font Names

This is the name of the font specified by the PROIV developer.  In the example the logical font name is Monofont.

Physical Font Name.

This is the name of the font installed on the Windows Client’s machine.  In the example, the physical font name is Courier New.

Font Mapping Operation

The name of the desired font is passed from the kernel to the Client for resolution.  The Client consults its Application Definitions file and searches for a mapping.  If a mapping is found the corresponding physical font name is passed to Windows.  If the mapping is not defined the Client will pass the logical font name to Windows.

In either case, the value passed may be further mapped by the operating system or any part of the display subsystem if the font passed from the Client is not installed and active on the machine.  

Such a transform is outside the control or knowledge of PROIV, so retrieval of the font name property value will return the value that the PROIV developer set, not the value that was finally used by the display subsystem.

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Topic ID: 510003