Setting a Property Value




To change the value of a property


ObjectReference.PropertyName = Value


ObjectReference is the tag name for the field, format, cycle, session, application, or client object. It cannot be a variable and it is case sensitive.

PropertyName is the predefined name of a property. It cannot be a variable and it is not case sensitive.

Value is either a string or numeric literal, variable, or property statement depending on the property. You can use TRUE or FALSE instead of 0 or 1 if you wish.


Various properties apply to different objects types. Some examples are Forecolor, Backcolor, Aboutbox, and Enable. For more information see the property descriptions and the valid properties for each object type.


CustName.FOREcolor = ‘BLUE’

EOD.graphic = $BMPname

CustAddress.ForeColor = CustName.Forecolor


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