Change mode allows you to change existing data.

In a non-paging screen, you must supply the key to the record before the other fields are presented for change, unless you are allowed to browse (and do so by pressing the next or previous key), or the key was pre-loaded via logic.  

In a paging screen, you can move around the screen as follows:




Moves cursor to beginning of next page.


Moves cursor to beginning of previous page.


Moves cursor to first record.


Moves cursor to last record

Moves cursor to previous record.

Moves cursor to next record.

When the cursor is positioned on the record you want to change, press change, then ® or Tab to position the cursor on the first field that can be changed on non-buffered screens.

Pressing EDIT takes you into edit mode and allows you to edit data within fields. On buffered terminals, fields are automatically in edit mode.

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Topic ID: 730036