Trail: PROIV Documentation > Developer > PROIV Developer > Developing Functions > Events and Logic > DSEL




DSEL (Deselect) stops records from being selected for processing. 




DSEL can be used in screen field logic to prevent reading and writing of all files whose read field is the current field.

When DSEL is invoked, it remains active for the execution of the current iteration of a cycle.

File Logic

DSEL can be used in logic routines associated with the following event process points:

Before Read... (do not use DSEL in Before Read logic on the primary file).  When used on secondary files, PROIV will not read or write to the current file or any files not yet accessed in the current iteration of the cycle.

On Read Lock, OnRead Error and Before Write will not be executed for the current file or any files not yet accessed in the current iteration of the cycle.

On Read Error and After Read will not write to the current file, nor read nor write to any files not yet accessed in the current iteration of the cycle.  Display of the system error message is suppressed.

Before Write will not be executed for the current file nor any files yet accessed in the current iteration of the cycle.

Before Write DSEL has no effect in Before Write logic.  Use DSELF to deselect writing of the current file. After Write DSEL has no effect on After Write Logic.  Use DSELF to stop display of system error message.

Sort/Select Logic

When the DSEL statement is executed in sort/select logic, the record just read from the primary file is not selected in the sort and will not be processed in the screen, report or update.

Control Break Logic

When DSEL is used in the LGC BEF field for a given control break, processing is discontinued only for the control break number specified.  After this:
1.        The reading of all files specified for the given control break is bypassed.
2.        LGC AFT processing is bypassed.
3.        SKP BEF and SKP AFT are bypassed.
4.        Header processing and header literals printing are by-passed.
5.        Next record header or logic ID processing is done.



If INV-PAY-AMT is negative (a credit) then the record is not selected.

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Topic ID: 520048