The Client Management ActiveX control contains the NewSession method:




NewSession launches a new child session using the supplied parameters.


#Retval  = ObjectTagName.NewSession( ParmMap )


ObjectTagName is an object expression that evaluates to the ClientManagement control.

ParmMap is a PROIV Interface map that contains the following parameters:

hParentSession is the parent session identifier.

sFormTitle is the window title of new session.

sSessionNumber is the session number.

sClientSessionNumber is the client session number.

Xpos is the leftmost position for new session.

Ypos is topmost position for new session.


If any problems are found with the supplied parameters, a negative value is returned. Reading the properties ObjectTagName.Error and ObjectTagName.ErrorMessage supplies diagnostic information. A positive return value indicates a successful launch.

The launching of a new session happens asynchronously. This methods initiates the launching process. If the launch is successful then the SessionStarted() event is fired. If the new session fails then the SessionError() event is fired.

This method should not be called within the SessionTerminated and SessionError event handlers.   



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Topic ID: 500476