Select Admin from the Developer menu and select the Groups tab.

This tab allows you to manage the developers and the groups that can be assigned to a project.

The Fields in this Window:

Group Details - There is a red or black line to show Group boundaries. A black line means the special All Developers group. This shows all developers in the project or the environment, and cannot be added to and deleted from like a normal group. A red line shows a user-defined group, which only holds the developers specifically added to it.

Developer - This holds the developer name (if one has been entered).

CoDivs - This holds the CoDivs that can be used by the developer.

Add Group - Click on this to add a new group. Enter the group name and your new group is ready for adding developers.

Remove Group - Select a group and click on this to remove a group. You will be shown a confirmation dialog.

Add Developers - Select a group and click on this to add developers to a group. You will be shown a list of all developers. Select the developers you wish to add and click on the Add Selection . Note that you cannot add developers to the All Developers group.

Remove Developer - Select a developer and click on this to remove the developer from the group. Note that you cannot remove developers from the All Developers group.

Developer Security - Select a developer and click on this to setup the Operator Security Profile for a developer.

Add a Category - Click on this to Add Security Category to Multiple Developers.

Delete CoDivs - Select a developer and click on this to delete one or more CoDivs from the developer.

Add a Co Div - Select a developer and click on this to add a new CoDiv for the developer. You can either copy an existing CoDiv or create a new one. If you create a new CoDiv then you will be shown the Operator Security Profile window to setup the security profile for the new CoDiv.

New Developer - Click on this to add a new developer. You can either base the security profile on an existing developer or create a new one. If you create a new developer then you will be shown the Operator Security Profile window to setup the security profile for the new developer.

Delete Developer - Select a developer and click on this to remove them. You will be shown a confirmation dialog.

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Topic ID: 500189