The Client Management ActiveX control contains the GetPropertyValue method:




GetPropertyValue method requests the current string value of the property with the supplied ID and nominated session.


$CurrentValue = ObjectTagName.GetPropertyValue( ParmMap ) 


ObjectTagName is an object expression that evaluates to the ClientManagement control.

ParmMap is the PROIV Interface map.

hTargetSession is the session identifier.

nResourceID is the ID of a client session property.


hTargetSession can be set to a value received by the SessionStarted event handler. In this case the property is read from the nominated client session. Alternatively the property can be read from the current session (the owner of the ClientManagement control) by setting hTargetSession to a value of 1.

If the current session was itself launched via a ClientManagement control then setting hTargetSession to a value of 2 reads the property value from the parent session.

A resource ID in the range 1 to 9999 is interpreted as a runtime defined property and can be used as a data transfer channel from parent to child or vice-versa. Use of this transfer channel requires that the child session is running a PROIV screen function that contains an instance of the ClientManagement control. Access to resource ID values obtained via the GetNextPropertyID method do not have this constraint.



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Topic ID: 500463