Select Admin from the Developer menu and select the Function Templates tab.

This tab allows you to manage the function templates catalogue. You can promote functions to a template, and organise the categories holding the templates.

Click Candidates to display a list of all functions nominated for promotion. Candidates for promotion are defined using the Object Utilities Tool in the Tools tab of PROIV Developer.

Templates stored in the catalogue are organised in categories – each template in the catalogue must belong to a category. Existing categories are shown to the left of the list of candidates. In brackets after the name of the category is the number of templates currently held in that category. Click on a category to replace the candidate list with the list of functions in that category. Click All to display all function templates in all categories.

To promote a nominated function: highlight a candidate, click Move, then click on the required category.

Click New Category to create a new category in the catalogue. Enter a name for the new category and click Add.

Click Organise to open the Organise Template Categories window. You change the order of the categories by cutting and pasting to and from the temporary list on the right (a category is always added to the bottom of the list).

To search for a template, click the magnifying glass to the right of Results. In the Template Search window, enter the Text to search for in the template description, and a Template Type to restrict the search to templates of a specified type. Click OK and the results are displayed in the listbox.

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Topic ID: 500175